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Pour tous, en famille, entre amis

Samedi 20 avril à 16h30

< Odile Guichard, directrice >


Paysages, scène de la vie quotidienne et portraits de peintres des 19ème et 20ème siècles liés à Avignon, de Pierre Grivolas (1823-1906) à Jean-Marie Fage (1925-2024). Prêts de collections particulières locales et oeuvres du musée Vouland. 

Portraits d’enfants et d’amis au fil des jours et des saisons dans la lumière changeante qui traverse sa maison toujours ouverte peuplent l’œuvre de Jeanne Coquard qui partagea sa vie avec le peintre Jean-Claude Imbert (1919-1993).

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes

Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art "Sur le bout des doigts"

Musée I Jardin Refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux

Du 2 au 7 avril 2024

Le mobilier et les objets d’art du Musée Louis Vouland donnent à voir de nombreux matériaux et techniques mis en œuvre grâce à de nombreux savoir-faire. A l’occasion de ces Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art, des vidéos réalisées dans le cadre du projet « Matières et savoir-faire » seront diffusées en continu au sein des collections d’Arts décoratifs.

Ce sont des portraits d’artisans de la région d’Avignon qui partagent leurs savoirs et savoir-faire à partir de créations ou de restaurations, et portent leurs regards sur les Arts décoratifs des 17e et 18e siècles, et les peintures du Musée Vouland :  

  • Giovanni Taormina – Restaurateur de peinture de chevalet, Avignon (84)

  • Corentin Tavernier – Artisan d’art/marqueteur (bois), Pernes-les-Fontaines (84)

  • Marc Angosto – Menuisier-Ébéniste, Carpentras (84)


Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes

Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art "Sur le bout des doigts"

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE  I Bois d'ici et d'ailleurs

Musée I Jardin Refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux

Samedi 6 avril à 14h30

< Odile Guichard, directrice >


Attardez-vous le temps d'un instant sur des meubles remarquables des 17e et 18e siècles présentés dans le musée et touchez du bout des doigts différentes essences de bois grâce à une xylothèque (manipulation de nombreux échantillons). C’est aussi l’occasion de découvrir certains arbres du jardin comme le tilleul, bois utilisé notamment pour les cadres sculptés.

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes


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VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE ponctuée de lectures I Équinoxe

Musée d'Arts décoratifs 

Mercredi 20 mars à 15h30

< Odile Guichard, directrice >


Ce jour d’équinoxe, le jour l’emporte sur la nuit. À l’abri de l’agitation quotidienne, nous vous proposons une visite ponctuée de lectures. Un moment propice à « la grâce » ?

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I La curiosité est-elle un défaut ?

Samedi 16 mars à 14h30, petit.e.s et grand.e.s, en famille ou entre ami.e.s, constituez votre groupe pour une visite, thématique ou d'ensemble, du musée d’Arts décoratifs XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles ou des expositions Autour de Pierre Grivolas et Dans la lumière… du jardin, à une date qui vous convient. Il vous suffit de nous faire part de vos souhaits et de prendre rendez-vous pour être accompagnés à votre rythme. (Et vous pourrez aussi dessiner…)


Une manière privilégiée de découvrir le musée, y compris en dehors des heures d'ouverture.


Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes


VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE ponctuée de lectures  I Envol

Musée I Jardin Refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux

Samedi 9 mars à 16h

< Odile Guichard, directrice >


Du musée d’Arts décoratifs au jardin Refuge de la Ligue des Oiseaux, nous prêterons attention à la vie volatile, du sol au plafond, du ciel à la branche. Légèreté, surgissement, chant, vol, merveilleux instants, prémices du printemps où l’âme est

« comme soulevée »…

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes



> Samedi 9 mars à 14h30

< Odile Guichard >, directrice

Paysages, scène de la vie quotidienne et portraits de peintres des 19ème et 20ème siècles liés à Avignon, de Pierre Grivolas (1823-1906) à Jean-Marie Fage (1925-2024). Prêts de collections particulières locales et oeuvres du musée Vouland.

Tarifs (musée, exposition, jardin) :

Adulte : 6€ | Réduit*: 4 €  | Jeunes : Pass culture | Enfant (- 12 ans) : Gratuit

+ 2 € / visite 

Limité à 18 personnes

Groupes à partir de 6 personnes, sur RDV, y compris en dehors des heures d’ouverture

Réservation  : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail




Pour tous, en famille, entre amis

Jeudi 29 février à 17h30

< Odile Guichard, directrice >


Paysages, scène de la vie quotidienne et portraits de peintres des 19ème et 20ème siècles liés à Avignon, de Pierre Grivolas (1823-1906) à Jean-Marie Fage (1925-2024). Prêts de collections particulières locales et oeuvres du musée Vouland.

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes


VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I La curiosité est-elle un défaut ?

Pour tous, en famille, entre amis

Samedi 17 février à 14h30 

< Odile Guichard, directrice >

Nous nous pencherons sur des pièces d'ici et d'ailleurs de la collection d'Arts décoratifs, quelques œuvres de l'exposition, et quelques fleurs du jardin. Il sera aussi question de mémoire, de collection, de projets.

N'hésitez pas à venir en famille avec vos crayons.

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée 

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail​

Et sur RDV pour les groupes



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VISITES - ATELIERS I Nouvel an chez Monsieur Vouland

À partir de 6 ans

Jeudi 28 décembre de 10h à 12h15

Vendredi 29 décembre de 10h à 12h15

Nous parcourons la maison de Louis Vouland à la recherche et à la rencontre de drôles d'objets et d'étranges motifs dans sa collection d'Arts décoratifs, puis nous nous amusons à en imaginer…

Tarifs : Une séance : 8 €/enfant  Deux séances : 15 €/enfant

Limité à 12 participants

Renseignements et réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail​

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I Un musée, un jardin

Pour tous, en famille, entre amis

Mercredi 27 décembre à 14h15

< Odile Guichard, directrice >


Une invitation à découvrir le musée Vouland, son histoire, ses collections et son jardin refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, en hiver.

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE  I Exposition Auguste Roure

Mercredi 20 décembre à 17h30

Samedi 23 décembre à 14h15 

Mercredi 27 décembre à 16h   

< Odile Guichard, co-commissaire >

Cette exposition  consacrée au peintre paysagiste Auguste Roure (1878-1936) s'inscrit dans une série d'expositions dédiées à des artistes de la "nouvelle école d'Avignon" autour de Pierre Grivolas (1823-1906) qui fut directeur de l'école des Beaux-Arts de la ville.

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée 

Limité à 20 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I La curiosité est-elle un défaut ?

Pour tous, en famille, entre amis

Samedi 23 décembre à 16h

< Odile Guichard >

Pour attiser votre curiosité en cette fin d'année 2023, nous nous pencherons sur le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche… et il sera question de mémoire, de projets, de collection. Nous vous réserverons aussi des surprises !

N'hésitez pas à venir en famille avec vos crayons.

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée 

Limité à 18 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes


VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I La curiosité est-elle un défaut ?

Pour tous, en famille, entre amis

Samedi 18 novembre à 14h30

En novembre les journées sont courtes, et fraîches ! Nous proposons aux, petit.e.s et grand.e.s, en famille ou entre ami.e.s de profiter d’une après-midi automnale pour découvrir la collection d’Arts décoratifs 17e-18e

siècles et l’hôtel particulier qui abrite le musée. Il sera question d’éclairage et de chauffage, d’eau froide et d’eau chaude, mais aussi de voyage… (Et vous pourrez aussi dessiner…)

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée 

Limité à 20 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE  I Exposition Auguste Roure

Mercredi 15 novembre à 17h30

< Odile Guichard, co-commissaire >

Cette exposition  consacrée au peintre paysagiste Auguste Roure (1878-1936) s'inscrit dans une série d'expositions dédiées à des artistes de la "nouvelle école d'Avignon" autour de Pierre Grivolas (1823-1906) qui fut directeur de l'école des Beaux-Arts de la ville.

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

+ 2 € / visite accompagnée 

Limité à 20 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Et sur RDV pour les groupes



À partir de 6 ans

Mardi 24, mercredi 25 et jeudi 26 octobre de 10h à 12h15

Du musée au jardin en passant par l'exposition, observations et récits conduisent à la création d’objets porteurs d’histoires… C'est aussi l'occasion de découvrir l'atmosphère d'un musée fermé !

Tarifs : Une séance : 8 €/enfant -  Stage : 21 € /enfant

Limité à 12 participants / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Vacances scolaires de Toussaint

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I La curiosité est-elle un défaut ?

Pour tous, en famille, entre amis

Samedi 21 octobre à 14h30

Nous proposons aux esprits curieux une découverte des collections du Musée Vouland sur des thèmes "surprises".

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 20 personnes / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Installation participative

LA GRANDE LESSIVE©I Avec ou sous eau ?

Pour tou.te.s

Jeudi 19 octobre de 14h à 18h

Participez avec une photographie, un dessin, une peinture, une collage ou un texte ? 

Seules contraintes : format A4 suffisamment léger pour tenir accroché à un fil avec deux pinces à linges (photographie, dessin, écriture, collage, peinture, …).

Vous pouvez déposer vos réalisations au musée avant le 19 octobre avec vos coordonnées, nous vous les restituerons après l’étendage (qui sera filmé pour être diffusé dans le monde entier par la Grande Lessive®).


Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans et pour déposer vos réalisations)

Renseignements : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Bella Italia
Semaine italienne d'Avignon

au Musée Vouland

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I Majoliques et faïences

Mercredi 18 octobre à 16h30

Cette visite se concentre sur la faïence de grand feu, technique de céramique qui se développe en Italie et en France des XVIe au XVIIIe siècles. 

Tarifs musée / exposition / jardin (6 € / 4 € / pass culture / gratuit pour les – de 12 ans)

Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

au Musée Vouland

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE I Exposition Auguste Roure

Vendredi 6 octobre à 15h

Participation libre & solidaire I Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79

PRIX JACQUES LÉON "Tradition provençale et Modernité"

LAURÉAT 2023 NOUGATERIE SILVAIN (Saint-Didier, Vaucluse)

Vendredi 6 octobre à 17h30 : Remise du prix

Inscription : 04 90 86 03 79

LECTURE COMMENTÉE I Poèmes provençaux

de Jean-Henri Fabre / Pouèmo prouvençau de Jan Enri Fabre

Alain Costantini >

Majoral du Félibrige, cabiscòu de l’Escolo Capouliero dóu Flourege

Samedi 7 octobre à 14h30

Participation libre & solidaire I Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79

CONFÉRENCE | Auguste Roure (1878-1936), peintre paysagiste avignonnais 

< Odile Guichard et Oriol Solé co-commissaires de l'exposition

Samedi 14 octobre à 16h

>>>> Théâtre de l'Entrepôt (Compagnie Mises en Scène)

1ter boulevard de Champfleury 

Participation libre & solidaire / Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou mail

Semaine provençale d'Avignon


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Journées Européennes du Patrimoine | Le Patrimoine Vivant

Samedi 16 et Dimanche 17 Septembre 2023 de 13h à 18h


Ce week-end, nous accueillons petit.e.s et grand.e.s au musée, qui fut la maison du collectionneur Louis Vouland (1883-1973), au jardin, refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, et dans l’exposition Auguste Roure (1878-1936), peintre paysagiste



Dimanche / VIVRE LE PATRIMOINE (y compris au jardin refuge LPO)

Samedi et Dimanche

:: Diffusion des vidéos Matières et savoir-faire qui nous conduisent dans les ateliers de Marc Angosto, menuisier à Carpentras, Corentin Tavernier, marqueteur à Pernes-les-Fontaines, Giovanni Taormina, restaurateur de peinture à Avignon (en continu)

:: Murder party La pendule s’est arrêtée (à partir de 13 ans, expérience à vivre en famille !)

:: Circuits-courts : parcours thématiques, ludique et informatif, seul.e, en famille ou entre ami.e.s

:: Podcasts (à partir de QR-codes) dont extraits des Souvenirs entomologiques de J.-H. Fabre

:: de 15h à 17h : les Amis du Musée Louis Vouland vous accueillent

Visites / Rencontres / Animations / Concert : réservation souhaitée au 04 90 86 03 79

(places limitées)

Participation libre & solidaire

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Dédié à des métiers liés au musée.

Professionnels et élèves partagent leur expérience et, avec l'équipe du musée, vous font découvrir des techniques du bois et de restauration de peinture à partir de l’hôtel particulier, des collections des 17e et 18e siècles, et de l'exposition.


:: 14h :: Rencontre avec Giovanni TAORMINA, Restaurateur de peinture de chevalet

Giovanni Taormina, installé à Avignon, montre des restaurations réalisées sur des peintures présentées au musée et dans l’exposition Auguste Roure. Il explique en quoi ces interventions de conservation-restauration favorisent la transmission du patrimoine matériel aux générations futures.


:: 15 h :: Rencontre avec Marc ANGOSTO, Menuisier - Ébéniste

Marc Angosto, sensible aux questions de transmission, accompagne notamment l’équipe du musée dans la constitution d’outils pédagogiques autour des techniques du bois (xylothèque…). Il évoque son parcours de menuisier-ébéniste, sa passion pour le patrimoine et la restauration, tout en vous faisant découvrir et manipuler de nombreux échantillons.


:: 16 h :: Rencontre avec Claire DELHUMEAU, Restauratrice de peinture murale

Claire Delhumeau présente les différentes facettes de son métier à partir d'interventions de conservation réalisées au musée Vouland en 2023. Elle témoigne aussi de son parcours, de sa formation et de ses expériences de chantier les plus marquantes.

Le nomadisme est une des caractéristiques de ce métier : la peinture murale étant soumise à l’architecture, c’est le restaurateur qui se déplace, et non la peinture.

En présence des Amis du Musée Louis Vouland qui ont permis les interventions de conservation des peintures de la voûte du vestibule du musée en janvier-février 2023.


:: 17h :: Rencontre avec des élèves en CAP d’ébénisterie

Eléonore Pompanon, Jarod Graziano, Johann Baup et Antoine Pavanello, élèves en CAP d’ébénisterie à l’Université Régionale des Métiers de l’Artisanat (Avignon) et l’équipe du musée, vous proposent une visite-dialogue au musée. Au fil de cette visite-dialogue, les étudiants témoignent de leurs passions, de leurs coups de cœur pour des meubles et objets du musée, et de ce qui les a conduits vers un métier de l’artisanat du bois.



Du musée au jardin, en passant par l’exposition, visites et animations placent la vie, le partage et la transmission au cœur des approches, dans le prolongement des rencontres du samedi.


:: de 13h à 18h :: Favoriser le vivant + Exposition REFUGE LPO au jardin, Bénévoles de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux

Comment réduire son impact sur l’environnement et créer des conditions propices à la biodiversité au jardin ? Les bénévoles de la LPO vous font découvrir pourquoi le jardin est refuge LPO. Qu’est-ce qui contribue à favoriser le vivant, du sol aux murs de clôture en passant par les herbes (mauvaises ?), les arbres, les feuilles, les fleurs, les fruits, et le compost !…

Animations (environ 20 minutes) à 13h30, 14h30, 15h30 et 16h30


:: 14h30 :: Miam ! au musée, Visite accompagnée / Équipe du musée

Terrine, plat, assiette, crémier, verseuse, chocolatière, …, nous entrainent à la table du 18e siècle. À partir d’objets de la collection qui ont perdu leur usage initial, nous vous ferons découvrir des recettes du Cuisinier roïal et bourgeois de François Massiliot publié en 1691 et maintes fois réédité. Produits de luxe, thé, chocolat et café sont des boissons exotiques qui se démocratisent progressivement au 18e… À table !


:: 16h :: Donner à voir… au musée, Visite accompagnée / Équipe du musée

Les volumes de L'Antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures (1719-1724) par Bernard de Montfaucon (1655-1741) serviront d’introduction à une visite autour des gravures, dessins, formes et décors inspirés par des gravures.

Ces documents sortis de la bibliothèque de Louis Vouland rappellent le rôle joué par la gravure dans la connaissance et la diffusion des formes, avant l’Encyclopédie, les musées et la photographie.


:: 17h :: Invitation au voyage, au jardin, Concert

Ensemble vocal Rubato & Compagnie

L’ensemble vocal Rubato et compagnie accompagné par Sophie Labandibar au piano réunit des chanteurs expérimentés sous la direction d’Isabelle Oriez. Il partage son goût pour la musique baroque et l’exploration d’univers musicaux savants et populaires, et nous invite à un voyage dans le temps et l’espace à travers un patrimoine musical éclectique.




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VISITE ATELIER | Les petites bêtes

A partir de 7 ans ou en famille

Jeudi 31 août et vendredi 1er septembre

Découvrez des animaux réels ou imaginaires du jardin, refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, au musée, vivants, naturalisés ou représentés, d’ici ou d’ailleurs, un vrai bestiaire vous attend ! Nous ferons dialoguer observations et histoires, et nous nous interrogerons sur les relations que nous entretenons avec le vivant avant d’imaginer un décor qui mêle flore et faune, pour préparer la rentrée.


Tarif Séance unique : 8 €  /

          Limité à 12 participants, réservation indispensable  04 90 86 03 79


VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE  I Exposition Auguste Roure

jeudi 24 août à 16h30

Désigné peintre des garrigues et des cailloux par ses contemporains, le paysagiste avignonnais Auguste Roure est réputé pour la fougue de sa matière « onctueuse, grasse, avec des souplesses infinies », et « son œuvre pleine, robuste, humaine, qui sait voir et sentir la vie qui l’entoure ». Ses motifs privilégiés sont les routes blanches, les garrigues autour d’Avignon, la lumière et les côtes méditerranéennes, de la presqu’île de Giens et de l’île de Porquerolles.

Apprécié des amateurs, Auguste Roure abandonne son métier de lithographe pour se consacrer pleinement à la peinture et enseigner à l’École municipale des Beaux-Arts à partir de 1919.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79

VISITE ATELIER | Le Tourbillon de la vie

A partir de 7 ans ou en famille

Les 23 et 24 août de 16h à 18h

La terre, la lune, les saisons, les jours, les heures… Au jardin refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, nous évoquerons le cycle du vivant, de la flore et de la faune, mais aussi le recyclage (compost…), la terre, et ce que l’on ne voit pas. Au musée, nous observerons des objets liés à la vie quotidienne, leurs matières et leurs décors, pendules, armoires, bonheur du jour, rafraîchissoirs… Il sera question de temps, de durée de vie – des objets -, de ressources, de conservation, de transmission.

Les enfants sont sensibilisés à l’environnement qui les entoure en découvrant le musée et son jardin de façon sensible et ludique, et en créant une trace de leur expérience, un objet… durable ?


Tarif Séance unique : 8 €  /

          Limité à 12 participants, réservation indispensable  04 90 86 03 79



Seul.e, en famille ou entre amis

mardi 22 août à 16h30 en français


Nous vous proposons de déambuler dans la collection, l’exposition et le jardin du musée et de faire des haltes autour d’objets qui évoquent le voyage et le déplacement. Ces objets - et plantes - d’ici ou d’ailleurs réunis au musée Vouland ont une histoire. Certains sont directement liés au voyage, d’autres reflètent un certain exotisme par leur provenance, leur matière ou leur décor… Une manière de tirer des fils vers des ailleurs, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79

VISITE ATELIER | Le Tourbillon de la vie

A partir de 7 ans ou en famille

Les 16 et 17 août de 16h à 18h

La terre, la lune, les saisons, les jours, les heures… Au jardin refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, nous évoquerons le cycle du vivant, de la flore et de la faune, mais aussi le recyclage (compost…), la terre, et ce que l’on ne voit pas. Au musée, nous observerons des objets liés à la vie quotidienne, leurs matières et leurs décors, pendules, armoires, bonheur du jour, rafraîchissoirs… Il sera question de temps, de durée de vie – des objets -, de ressources, de conservation, de transmission.

Les enfants sont sensibilisés à l’environnement qui les entoure en découvrant le musée et son jardin de façon sensible et ludique, et en créant une trace de leur expérience, un objet… durable ?


Tarif Séance unique : 8 € 

      Limité à 12 participants, réservation indispensable  04 90 86 03 79  /

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE | Le fantôme de Vouland

Seul.e, en famille ou entre amis

mardi 15 août à 16h30 en français

L’hôte de ces lieux, Louis Vouland, disparaît le 28 novembre 1973. A l’occasion de ce cinquantenaire, nous évoquerons la personnalité de cet industriel de l’agroalimentaire, collectionneur d’Arts décoratifs des 17e et 18e siècles, l’histoire de l’hôtel particulier et de son quartier à Avignon, mais aussi la sociabilité liée au mobilier et objets de la collection, au 18e siècle.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79


Seul.e, en famille ou entre amis

mardi 8 août à 16h30 en français


Nous vous proposons de déambuler dans la collection, l’exposition et le jardin du musée et de faire des haltes autour d’objets qui évoquent le voyage et le déplacement. Ces objets - et plantes - d’ici ou d’ailleurs réunis au musée Vouland ont une histoire. Certains sont directement liés au voyage, d’autres reflètent un certain exotisme par leur provenance, leur matière ou leur décor… Une manière de tirer des fils vers des ailleurs, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE | Le fantôme de Vouland

Seul.e, en famille ou entre amis

mardi 1er août à 16h30 en allemand

L’hôte de ces lieux, Louis Vouland, disparaît le 28 novembre 1973. A l’occasion de ce cinquantenaire, nous évoquerons la personnalité de cet industriel de l’agroalimentaire, collectionneur d’Arts décoratifs des 17e et 18e siècles, l’histoire de l’hôtel particulier et de son quartier à Avignon, mais aussi la sociabilité liée au mobilier et objets de la collection, au 18e siècle.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79


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VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE  I Exposition Auguste Roure

mercredi 26 juillet à 16h30

Désigné peintre des garrigues et des cailloux par ses contemporains, le paysagiste avignonnais Auguste Roure est réputé pour la fougue de sa matière « onctueuse, grasse, avec des souplesses infinies », et « son œuvre pleine, robuste, humaine, qui sait voir et sentir la vie qui l’entoure ». Ses motifs privilégiés sont les routes blanches, les garrigues autour d’Avignon, la lumière et les côtes méditerranéennes, de la presqu’île de Giens et de l’île de Porquerolles.

Apprécié des amateurs, Auguste Roure abandonne son métier de lithographe pour se consacrer pleinement à la peinture et enseigner à l’École municipale des Beaux-Arts à partir de 1919.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79


Seul.e, en famille ou entre amis

mardi 25 juillet à 16h30 en allemand


Nous vous proposons de déambuler dans la collection, l’exposition et le jardin du musée et de faire des haltes autour d’objets qui évoquent le voyage et le déplacement. Ces objets - et plantes - d’ici ou d’ailleurs réunis au musée Vouland ont une histoire. Certains sont directement liés au voyage, d’autres reflètent un certain exotisme par leur provenance, leur matière ou leur décor… Une manière de tirer des fils vers des ailleurs, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79

VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE  I Le fantôme de Vouland

Seul.e, en famille ou entre amis

mardi 18 juillet à 16h30 en français

L’hôte de ces lieux, Louis Vouland, disparaît le 28 novembre 1973. A l’occasion de ce cinquantenaire, nous évoquerons la personnalité de cet industriel de l’agroalimentaire, collectionneur d’Arts décoratifs des 17e et 18e siècles, l’histoire de l’hôtel particulier et de son quartier à Avignon, mais aussi la sociabilité liée au mobilier et objets de la collection, au 18e siècle.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79

VISITE-ATELIER  I Raconte-moi...

A partir de 7 ans ou en famille

Les 18, 19, 20 juillet de 10h à 12h

Le musée, l’exposition Auguste Roure et le jardin se dévoilent en écho aux spectacles du festival Off dans le jardin. De l’observation au récit et au témoignage, d’Achille à Diane, du paysage peint au paysage tissé, du temps du musée à celui du jardin, de l’oiseau perché sur un lustre à celui sur une branche, du dragon à la coccinelle, du doigt de sorcière à la sauge ananas…, un parcours sensible et ludique nous conduit sous l’érable. Là, chacun s’empare d’histoires et de formes pour créer un objet – utile ? – qu’il gardera en souvenir. Un objet porteur d’une histoire… (éventail, boîte, assiette…)


Tarifs Séance unique : 8 €  /

          Stage (3 séances du 11 au 13 ou du 18 au 20 juillet) : 20 €

          Limité à 12 participants, réservation indispensable  04 90 86 03 79



Seul.e, en famille ou entre amis

mardi 11 juillet à 16h30 en français


Nous vous proposons de déambuler dans la collection, l’exposition et le jardin du musée et de faire des haltes autour d’objets qui évoquent le voyage et le déplacement. Ces objets - et plantes - d’ici ou d’ailleurs réunis au musée Vouland ont une histoire. Certains sont directement liés au voyage, d’autres reflètent un certain exotisme par leur provenance, leur matière ou leur décor… Une manière de tirer des fils vers des ailleurs, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.

Tarifs entrée du musée (6€/4€/gratuit pour les – de 12 ans) + 2 €

Limité à 18 personnes

Réservation (au plus tard la veille, selon nos disponibilités) : 04 90 86 03 79

VISITE-ATELIER  I Raconte-moi...

A partir de 7 ans ou en famille

Les 11, 12, 13 juillet de 10h à 12h

Le musée, l’exposition Auguste Roure et le jardin se dévoilent en écho aux spectacles du festival Off dans le jardin. De l’observation au récit et au témoignage, d’Achille à Diane, du paysage peint au paysage tissé, du temps du musée à celui du jardin, de l’oiseau perché sur un lustre à celui sur une branche, du dragon à la coccinelle, du doigt de sorcière à la sauge ananas…, un parcours sensible et ludique nous conduit sous l’érable. Là, chacun s’empare d’histoires et de formes pour créer un objet – utile ? – qu’il gardera en souvenir. Un objet porteur d’une histoire… (éventail, boîte, assiette…)


Tarifs Séance unique : 8 €  /

          Stage (3 séances du 11 au 13 ou du 18 au 20 juillet) : 20 €

          Limité à 12 participants, réservation indispensable  04 90 86 03 79


Festival Off Jardin du Musée Vouland

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Médailles 4 : Pascal


Compagnie A table / Clara Le Picard

Théâtre contemporain (à partir de 8 ans)


Du 7 au 23 juillet relâche les 10, 17 juillet 

à 17h15 (25min)


A l’ombre du Jardin Vouland, durant un court moment hors du temps, vous découvrirez la “Médailles 4 : Pascal”. Entre divination par les cartes et chansons, Pascal est habité par les mots. Né quasi sourd, il raconte sa vie singulière,

et vous lit la vôtre, parce
que quand on est deux, c’est mieux.
Depuis 2020, nous proposons des “Médailles” hors-les- murs : portraits théâtraux intimes d’artistes à deux facettes pratiquant un art savant et un art populaire (danse et cuisine, chant lyrique et poterie, théâtre et divination...).

Tarifs :

tarif : 8€

tarif abonné : 5€

tarif réduit : 5€

Réservations : +33 (0)6 45 76 50 06



de Jérôme Thomas


Compagnie Jérôme Thomas

Cirque contemporain (à partir de 8 ans)


Du 11 au 16 juillet

à 21h30 (1h)


Accompagné par Christian Maes à l’accordéon, Jérôme Thomas convoque sa mémoire et nous invite à une ballade improvisée où s’entremêlent son répertoire de jonglage et des histoires de tournées. En communion avec le public, Assis est le témoignage du temps qui passe, un récit intime d’un homme qui jongle depuis 45 ans.


Un mythe vivant de la jonglerie (...) une jonglerie chorégraphique et poétique.


L’un des plus grands jongleurs du monde.

Tarifs :


tarif : 16€

tarif abonné : 10€
tarif enfant (-18 ans) : 10€

tarif réduit : 10€


Réservations : +33 (0)6 38 44 05 76


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ATELIER D'ÉCRITURE Bonheur du samedi

Le silence, ou les mille et un bruits du jardin

Samedi 10 juin de 14h30 à 17h


En écho au week-end des rendez-vous au jardin lors desquels les visiteurs ont prêté attention aux chants des oiseaux et atmosphères sonores, 10 ans (jour pour jour) après la disparition de Knud Viktor qui a capté les sons de la nature au pied du Luberon, à quelques jours du solstice d’été, Isabelle Ronzier vous invite à fermer les yeux sous l’érable. Écouter et faire crisser son stylo, transcrire avec les mots les rythmes, les bruits, les sons du jardin et de la ville qui l’entoure, en compagnie des premières cigales ? 


Tarif : entrée du musée (6€/4€ ou carte des Amis du Musée Louis Vouland pour une entrée gratuite illimitée) + 20 € par atelier 

Prochain atelier à la rentrée 2023/24


Les musiques du jardin

2, 3 et 4 juin


Si votre ramage...


Vendredi 2 juin matin pour les scolaires

Samedi 3 et dimanche 4 juin de 14h à 19h

Nous vous proposons d’écouter le monde qui nous entoure, de prendre le temps de prêter attention à ce que l’on entend, du musée au jardin. Peut-être sera-t-il nécessaire de lever le voile du bruit de fond de la ville ou d’abandonner ses écouteurs pour découvrir le chant des oiseaux…

Dans les expositions, nous vous invitons à regarder et imaginer des atmosphères sonores ; au jardin, à écouter et décrire les sons perçus, vent, fontaine, insectes, oiseaux, …, podcasts d’extraits de Jean-Henri Fabre, et dimanche à 17h30, l’ensemble vocal Rubato et compagnie.

Nous vous rappellerons aussi pourquoi le jardin est un refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, le musée labellisé Accueil Vélo, et l’histoire du quartier.

6 € / 4 € / Pass culture / Gratuit < 12 ans

Le tarif inclut musée, exposition, jardin. Animations : participation libre & solidaire

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L'inattendu écrin de verdure 

Vendredi 2 juin à 17h | Élèves du Lycée Mistral

Restitution publique d’un travail en cours qui fait dialoguer des élèves en option théâtre avec des élèves de 1ère spécialité arts danse.

Ce projet de création transdisciplinaire conduit par les enseignantes Sonia Bresson et Sandrine Bianco s’appuie sur des observations et des sensations consignées lors de la découverte du musée et de son jardin refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux.

Le vis-à-vis entre le musée Vouland et le lycée Mistral est une des dimensions du projet, enrichi par des réflexions sur la relation de cet inattendu écrin de verdure avec son environnement urbain et des échanges autour de la démarche écologique qui permet de créer un milieu favorable à la biodiversité en ville.

6 € / 4 € / Pass culture avec accès au musée I Gratuit : accès au jardin 14 rue d’Annannelle I Réservation souhaitée

Silence !

Samedi 3 à 14h15 | Odile Guichard, directrice du musée


Cette dernière visite des expositions propose de s’attarder sur des œuvres, un marché, un café, une procession, un repas à la ferme, une mariée, un troupeau au col des Abeilles, une route, le Ventoux, les rives du Rhône, l’atelier du peintre, et d’imaginer les atmosphères sonores qu’elles évoquent.

Elle se termine dans le jardin par un moment d’écoute, et la lecture de quelques courts extraits littéraires qui nous entrainent dans la dimension sonore du monde.



4 juin : dernier jour des expositions « Autour de Pierre Grivolas », nouvelle école d’Avignon et « Dans la lumière », hommage à Michel et Geneviève Steiner.

6 € / 4 € / Pass culture | Réservation (places limitées)

Illustration Anaïs Leroux _Ca pousse..._ 2019.jpeg

Tendre l'oreille

Samedi 3 de 16h à 18h30 et dimanche 4 de 15h à 17h | Équipe du musée | Petites séquences d’écoute 


Pour tou.te.s. En famille.

Au jardin, refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, nous vous convions à prêter attention à tous les sons, et en particulier aux chants d’oiseaux (cachés dans les feuillages) qui émergent du brouhaha de la ville.

Avant, nous vous invitons à une halte dans l’exposition pour écouter des chants enregistrés d’oiseaux que l’on pourrait entendre, ou apercevoir, au jardin. Peut-être reconnaîtrez-vous ces chants dehors ?

L’équipe du musée consignera vos observations auditives dans un « carnet sonore » comme trace de ce RDV au jardin.

6 € / 4 € / Pass culture / Gratuit jusqu’à 12 ans

Chanter au jardin

Date reporté (intempéries)

Ensemble vocal Rubato et Compagnie


Ce dimanche au jardin, l’ensemble vocal dirigé par Isabelle Oriez et accompagné au piano par Sophie Labandibar nous entraine dans un voyage musical éclectique, de la Catalogne médiévale au chant populaire arménien :

Stella Splendens, Polyphonie du XIVème

Missa Brevis , Antonio Lotti (1667-1740)

Cantate domino, Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)

Magnificat, Francesco Durante (1684-1755)

Weep o mine eyes, John Bennet  (1575-1614) Madrigal anglais

Ave verum, William Byrd (1539-1623)

Ave verum, Ave Maria, Edward Elgar (1857-1934) Motets Latins opus 2

Vem kan segla, Chant suédois

Drmes de Posavina, Chant serbo-croate

Erev sial shoshanim, Chant hébreu

Manir manir, Chant arménien

Isabelle Oriez dirige depuis deux ans ce chœur créé par Annie Fageau, composé de chanteurs expérimentés. Elle l’a rebaptisé « Rubato et compagnie » pour en souligner la liberté et son souhait d’explorer divers univers musicaux, avec une prédilection pour l’époque baroque.

6 € / 4 € / Pass culture avec accès au musée  et expositions + participation libre ou Accès au jardin 14 rue d’Annanelle à partir de 17h20 : participation libre I Réservation souhaitée

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Mardi 30 mai à 17h30


Du couvent des Dominicains à l’hôtel particulier de la fin du XIXe siècle, de la maison du collectionneur Louis Vouland (1883-1973) au musée d’Arts décoratifs ouvert en 1982, nous retraçons l'histoire du lieu et nous attardons sur d'exceptionnels meubles, céramiques, tapisseries, peintures… de la collection. 


Pour tou.te.s

Tarifs habituels du musée 6 € / 4 €  :: + 2 € ​(Jeunes : Pass culture)
Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 /


VISITE ACCOMPAGNÉE des expositions



Mercredi 31 mai à 17h30

2023 est le bicentenaire de la naissance de peintre Pierre Grivolas (1823 - 1906), proche des poètes du Félibrige, directeur de l’école de 1878 à 1906, considéré comme le chef de file de la « nouvelle école d’Avignon ». A côté de peintures de la fin du XIXe et du début du XXe siècle (de Pierre et Antoine Grivolas à Auguste Chabaud), le musée rend hommage à Michel et Geneviève Steiner disparus en 2022. Le peintre Michel Steiner fut aussi enseignant et directeur de l’école des Beaux-Arts d’Avignon un siècle après Pierre Grivolas.


Pour tou.te.s

Tarifs habituels du musée 6 € / 4 € :: + 2 € (Jeunes : Pass culture)
Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 /

Bonheur du samedi, atelier d’écriture

Les règles de l’art (mai)


Samedi 20 mai de 14h30 à 17h

La collection d’Arts décoratifs conserve de précieux témoignages de savoir-faire associés à des matières et techniques. Quelle serait une écriture du savoir-faire entre  Arts mécaniques - qui relèvent de la main – et Arts libéraux - qui relèvent de l’esprit - ? Et que dire des arts d’agrément et des Beaux-Arts ?

Isabelle Ronzier vous invite à une écriture poétique et narrative des Arts décoratifs. Aucun savoir-faire requis, sinon l’art de l’aventure et de l’imagination.


Tarif : entrée du musée (6€/4€ ou carte des Amis du Musée Louis Vouland pour une entrée gratuite illimitée) + 20 € par atelier

Prochaines dates : 20 mai /10 juin

Renseignements et réservations au 04 90 86 03 79 /

Dans le cadre du Printemps des poètes


Nuit des musées


Samedi 13 mai de 19h à 23h

De 19h à 23h


Ce soir, nous vous éclairons sur les lustres, lanternes, flambeaux, bras de lumière, chandeliers, et vous racontons le chantier lumière réalisé au musée en janvier 2023.

Dans la collection d’Arts décoratifs, vous pourrez entrer dans l’esprit des Lumières. Dans les expositions, vous découvrirez comment la lumière circule dans la peinture.

Au cours de la soirée, l’équipe, les Amis du Musée Louis Vouland, la Compagnie Mises en Scène et les ateliers d’écriture d’Isabelle Ronzier vous proposent une balade urbaine, des lectures, un bref atelier d’écriture, une déambulation, des parcours libres et des visites rapides comme des éclairs.



Autour de Pierre Grivolas, « nouvelle école d’Avignon »

Dans la lumière… hommage à Michel et Geneviève Steiner


Le musée est labellisé Accueil Vélo.

Et le jardin, refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux, restera dans la pénombre.

Et la lumière fut...

De 19h à 20h

Sur le motif


« Le dimanche, dès l’aube, le bataillon partait de la porte de l’Oulle, démolie depuis pour cause d’agrandissement ! En tête, marchait le Maître Grivolas sac à dos […]. Chacun allait à son gré, à la conquête du paysage. » (Louis Roure, 1912)

Nous marcherons sur les traces des peintres de la « nouvelle école d’Avignon », de la Porte de l’Oulle à la Barthelasse, dans le paysage qu’ils ont maintes fois arpenté à partir des années 1870 et que l’on peut voir au musée Vouland dans l’exposition Autour de Pierre Grivolas (1823-1906), directeur de l’École des Beaux-Arts d’Avignon de 1878 à 1906.


RDV porte de l’Oulle à 19h. Inscription obligatoire

Prévoir carnet et crayon, de l’eau s’il fait chaud, et des chaussures confortables

De 19h30 à 20h30

Balade urbaine

Avec Odile Guichard et la Compagnie Mises en scène

Participation libre & solidaire

Inscription obligatoire | Limité à 20 personnes

   Les bonheurs du samedi


Lecture, rencontre et petit atelier 

Textes issus de l’Atelier d’écriture mensuel animé par Isabelle Ronzier au musée Vouland depuis septembre 2021

…  « il faut associer le proche et le lointain, l’instant et la permanence, le particulier et le commun »… Philippe Jaccottet


Lustres, tapisseries, faïences, peintures, dessins, et bien d’autres choses, montrées ou cachées, l’atmosphère du musée Vouland et de son jardin au fil des saisons, ont inspiré des textes écrits lors de cette deuxième année d’ateliers mensuels.


Au soleil couchant, lsabelle Ronzier et quelques auteurs passent de la plume à la parole près de la fontaine. Ils vous lisent leurs écrits nés au musée et vous permettent ainsi d’élargir votre perception du lieu et de ses collections.


Cette lecture au jardin est ponctuée par un bref atelier et suivie d’un moment d’échange

Entre 20h30 et 21h30


   Le motif sur la toile


Cette déambulation prolonge la balade urbaine à quelques pas du musée.

Dans l’exposition Autour de Pierre Grivolas, on retrouve des motifs du paysage parcouru, mais aussi une tour, une façade, une route, une barque, le Ventoux, un arbre, une branche, des portraits, des cafés, des marchés, des processions, des intérieurs de ferme. Et des reflets inattendus nés de l’expérience de la compagnie Mises en Scène au Musée s’animent, mêlés aux éclairages que nous vous proposons sur l’exposition.

L’équipe du musée avec la Compagnie Mises en scène | Participation libre & solidaire

Entre 22h15 et 22h45

Eclairer ?

Série de visites « flash » ou « éclair » pour vous apporter de la clarté sur des éléments de notre choix !


■ Faire des éclairs. Il n’a fait qu’éclairer toute la nuit.


■ Éclairer. v. a. Illuminer, jeter, répandre de la clarté. Le soleil éclaire la terre. Ce flambeau éclaire toute la chambre.

On dit absolument, Le soleil éclaire. La lune n’éclairoit plus.


Il signifie figurément, Donner de l’intelligence, de la clarté à l’esprit ; & alors il est actif. Cette lecture lui a bien éclairé l’esprit. Seigneur, éclairez mon entendement.


Il signifie encore, Épier, observer. Vous allez dans une compagnie où vous serez éclairé de près. Les Grands doivent bien prendre garde à tout ce qu’ils disent, à tout ce qu’ils font, car tout le monde les éclaire. Quand un homme est suspect, on lui donne quelqu’un pour l’éclairer, pour éclairer ses actions.


Il est aussi neutre, & signifie, Apporter de la lumière à quelqu’un pour lui faire voir clair. Éclairez à Monsieur. Éclairez. Allez éclairer.

Il signifie encore dans le neutre, Étinceler, pétiller. Les yeux des chats éclairent durant la nuit.


■ Éclairer. Terme de Peinture. Distribuer les lumières d’un tableau, y répandre des clairs avec intelligence.

Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 4ème édition, 1762





Mercredi 19 avril de 14h30 à 16h30 (Vacances de Printemps)
Du musée au jardin, vous êtes invité.e.s à déceler les signes du printemps ; écouter, regarder, sentir, observer, décrire, dessiner,…avant de réaliser votre album de saison.


Pour tou.te.s à partir de 7 ans

Tarifs : Adulte : 8€ / Réduit* et Enfants : 6 € (Jeunes : Pass Culture)

Réservation indispensable ; limité à 12 participant.e.s

Bonheur du samedi, atelier d’écriture 

Une liasse d’ouvertures* (avril)


Samedi 15 avril de 14h30 à 17h

« Mi-arpenteur, mi vagabond, attentif et rêveur tout ensemble, un peintre une fois encore aura tourné autour des choses visibles qui se dérobent, et le fascinent parce qu’elles se dérobent ; avec patience, avec impatience. *» 

Isabelle Ronzier vous propose de composer "une liasse d’ouvertures" par l’écriture parmi les dessins de Michel Steiner, accompagné.e.s par la présence en peinture de Michel et Geneviève Steiner et les mots de Philippe Jaccottet* de l’exposition Dans la lumière…

Tarif : entrée du musée (6€/4€ ou carte des Amis du Musée Louis Vouland pour une entrée gratuite illimitée) + 20 € par atelier ou forfait 50 € pour 3 ateliers

Prochaines dates : 5 avril / 20 mai /10 juin

Renseignements et réservations au 04 90 86 03 79 /



Mardi 11 avril à 17h
Du couvent des Dominicains à l’hôtel particulier de la fin du XIXe siècle, de la maison du collectionneur Louis Vouland (1883-1973) au musée d’Arts décoratifs ouvert en 1982, nous retraçons l'histoire du lieu et nous attardons sur d'exceptionnels meubles, céramiques, tapisseries, peintures… de la collection. 


Pour tou.te.s

Tarifs habituels du musée 6 € / 4 €  :: + 2 € ​(Jeunes : Pass culture)
Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 /



Jeudi 6 avril à 14h30

Après avoir visionné des vidéos qui nous font découvrir trois métiers avec le menuisier Marc Angosto, le marqueteur Corentin Tavernier, le restaurateur de peinture de chevalet Giovanni Taormina, nous découvrons quelques meubles et peintures remarquables du musée.

Atelier : manipulation de nombreux échantillons de bois d'ici et d'ailleurs pour mieux les connaître et les reconnaître.


Programmation destinéee aux seniors de + de 60 ans résidant à Avignon proposée par la Ville d'Avignon

Entrée libre

Réservation indispensable : 04 90 86 03 79 /


Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Arts 2023

Découverte de matières et savoir-faire, de métiers et techniques liés à l'architecture, à l'Art décoratifs et à la peinture.

Projection des vidéos « Matières et savoir-faire » en continu de 14h à 18h

Du 27 mars au 2 avril


Visites scolaires / « matières et savoir-faire »
Ces journées sont l’occasion de découvrir la collection d’Arts décoratifs des 17e et 18e siècles et des artisans du Vaucluse, des matières et des techniques d’hier mises en relation avec des savoir-faire et des parcours d’aujourd’hui, dans un hôtel particulier du centre d’Avignon.
Au musée, on peut aussi vis
iter les expositions « Autour de Pierre Grivolas», et « Dans la lumière… hommage à Michel Steiner», qui ont été enseignants et directeurs de l’École des Beaux-Arts d’Avignon à la fin du XIXe siècle et à la fin du XXe siècle, et le jardin, Refuge de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux.


Horaires d’ouverture :
Tous les jours sauf le lundi de 14h-18h, et sur RDV pour les groupes
Tarifs : 6 € / 4 €

Renseignements : 04 90 86 03 79 ou

Le Musée est labellisé Accueil Vélo

« Matières et savoir-faire : être menuisier aujourd'hui"

Vendredi 31 mars à 16h30

Projection d’un film documentaire où Marc Angosto témoigne de son parcours de menuisier-ébéniste et son choix de développer son activité en menuiserie, suivie d’une rencontre autour de nombreux échantillons de bois et du mobilier exceptionnel de la collection d’Arts décoratifs du musée Vouland.

Nota : Marc Angosto accompagne le musée autour de la constitution d’une mallette pédagogique autour du bois.

Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou

Participation libre

Visite accompagnée prévue :

11 avril à 17h

Rendez-vous d'exception avec Claire Delhumeau

"Conserver et restaurer des décors peints"


Vendredi 31 mars

- scolaires matin et après-midi
- tout public à 18h

Claire Delhumeau présente son travail de conservation du décor d’une voûte réalisé au musée Vouland en février 2023, et les différentes facettes de son métier de restauratrice de peintures murales.
Claire Delhumeau collabore souvent avec d’autres artisans du patrimoine bâti sous la houlette d’architectes du patrimoine.
Elle réalise des sondages en recherche de décor (archéologie du b
âti), intervient dans la conservation de décors in situ, de la consolidation d’enduits peints au refixage des couches picturales. Son travail de restauration permet d’harmoniser et de mettre en valeur des peintures murales, qu’il s’agisse du traitement coloré des lacunes ou de la réintégration picturale.
Claire Delhumeau a débuté sa formation aux Beaux-Arts d’Ai
x-en-Provence avant d’intégrer l’école d’Arts appliqués Duperré à Paris, puis l’Institut Français de Restauration des Œuvres d’art devenu Institut National du Patrimoine en 2001, dont elle est diplômée.

Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou
Participation libre

Printemps des poètes

"Au-delà des frontières"

Projection et rencontre / Luc-Henri Fage

samedi 11 mars à 17h30

Au gré d’explorations et de découvertes, Luc-Henri Fage passe sa vie à repousser les limites spatiales et temporelles, des gouffres du Vaucluse à la Patagonie, de Bruniquel à Bornéo, du monde sous-terrain à celui des antipodes ou de terres méconnues.

Journaliste, documentariste, spéléologue, archéologue, anthropologue, explorateur, Luc-Henri Fage partage ses rêves d’ailleurs, qu’ils soient proches ou lointains.

Sur réservation | participation libre |  réservation : 04 90 86 03 79

Concert Hybride

David Lafore, voix et guitare

Mercredi 15 mars à 20h

Auteur-compositeur-interprète, David Lafore nous offre un concert entre récital et performance théâtrale. L’improvisation guette et il n’est pas rare qu’un poème se trouve dit, net et sensible, entre deux facéties.

« Imaginez un fils spirituel de Desproges, avec une allure de Buster Keaton, un clown triste et imprévisible, capable de faire hurler de rire une salle comme de la retourner avec sa poésie très particulière […]. Une écriture de plus en plus maitrisée, avec un sens de la noirceur, de la dinguerie, du groove qui lui accordent un statut définitivement à part !" » Marion Guilbaud, France Inter, juin 2021



Sur réservation (place limitées) | participation libre : 12 € conseillé |  Réservation indispensable : 04 90 86 03 79

Dans la lumière…

Visite de l’exposition Hommage à Michel et Geneviève Steiner ponctuée de lectures de textes de Philippe Jaccottet

Mardi 21 mars à 18h

« La forêt est une maison aux fenêtres, aux portes ouvertes. La lumière y circule comme dans des rues. Passe, entre et sort. La lumière, ou la rêverie dévêtue, celle qu’on ne rattrapera plus ? » Philippe Jaccottet (1925-2021)


6 € / 4 € + 2 € | sur réservation : 04 90 86 03 79

Exposition – Hommage à Michel Steiner (1934-2022) et Geneviève Steiner Bonnaillie (1936-2022)

Du 7 mars au 4 juin 2023

tous les jours de 14h à 18h sauf le lundi | 6 € / 4 €

et sur RDV pour les groupes       



Jeudi 23 mars de 13h à 18h


Ce printemps, le thème de la Grande Lessive®, installation artistique éphémère qui nie les frontières, est « Ma cabane et-e.s.t la tienne ». 


Chacun.e est invité.e, petit.e ou grand.e, scolaire ou, à réaliser photographie, dessin, collage, peinture, création numérique, 3D, à les déposer au musée, ou venir les accrocher, ensemble, dans le jardin du musée, le 23 mars.

Seules contraintes : thème, format et poids du support, 21x29,7 cm (A4) suffisamment léger pour tenir étendu sur un fil avec deux pinces à linge.

Une vidéo est réalisée et partagée… à l’échelle planétaire !


Si les conditions climatiques le permettent, l’installation sera maintenue en place jusqu’au 26 mars.


En savoir plus :

Installation participative | 6 € / 4 € / participation libre pour les parents d’élèves participant.e.s :   Information : 04 90 86 03 79


Animation / Bénévoles de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux

Vendredi 24 mars

(scolaires, matin et après-midi) sur réservation

Sédentaires, passereaux, migrateurs, les oiseaux que l’on aperçoit au jardin, dans l’herbe, les arbres ou les airs partagent un territoire. Comment cohabitent-ils, comment adaptent-ils leurs besoins et habitats respectifs au fil des saisons ?


Le jardin du musée Vouland est un refuge LPO (Ligue de Protection des oiseaux) en ville. Nous verrons ce que cela signifie à partir d’observations.


Partenariat Musée Vouland / Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux.



Gratuit |  Renseignements et réservation : 04 90 86 03 79



Animation au jardin / Bénévoles de la Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux

Samedi 25 mars à 14h30, 15h30 et 16h30


Sédentaires, passereaux, migrateurs, les oiseaux que l’on aperçoit au jardin, dans l’herbe, les arbres ou les airs partagent un territoire. Comment cohabitent-ils, comment adaptent-ils leurs besoins et habitats respectifs au fil des saisons ?

Nous vous proposons des observations dans le jardin du musée Vouland, refuge LPO (Ligue de Protection des oiseaux) qui agit pour favoriser la biodiversité.


Partenariat Musée Vouland / Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux.



Sur réservation | Participation libre |  Renseignements et réservation : 04 90 86 03 79

Le voyage de Dante

Conférence |  André Ughetto 


Samedi 25 mars à 17h30


Dante accomplit un voyage imaginaire dans l’au-delà, dont la géographie abolit les frontières politiques.
C’est le sujet de sa « Comédie », qualifiée plus tard de « divine », dont nous suivrons les étapes, de la découverte de « L’Enfer » à la remontée de la montagne du « Purgatoire », jusqu’à la vision béatifique du « Paradis ».
Au cours de cette expédition (en accéléré) quelques textes seront lus à titre d’illustrations du « voyage ».


Un partenariat musée Vouland / trace de poète


Participation libre sur réservation : 04 90 86 03 79


Bonheur du samedi, atelier d’écriture


Samedi 11 mars de 14h30 à 17h

Isabelle Ronzier vous invite à changer de point de vue et à sortir du cadre, des portraits aux intérieurs, d’une rive à l’autre du Rhône aux paysages du Ventoux. À quelques jours du printemps, elle vous entraine aussi dehors à observer la lumière et la vie du jardin, et, avec les mots, à ouvrir des fenêtres et des chemins, à voyager librement, ici ou ailleurs, hier ou aujourd’hui.


Tarif : entrée du musée (6€/4€ ou carte des Amis du Musée Louis Vouland pour une entrée gratuite illimitée) + 20 € par atelier ou forfait 50 € pour 3 ateliers

Prochaines dates : 15 avril / 20 mai /10 juin

Renseignements et réservations au 04 90 86 03 79 /

Dans le cadre du Printemps des poètes

Bonheur du samedi, atelier d’écriture 


Samedi 25 février de 14h30 à 17h

« L’École Avignonnaise » autour du peintre Pierre Grivolas (1823-1906) préfère « les murs blancs, les routes poudreuses, les roches argentées […] ces ciels dont l’azur chaud et profond défie la palette ; ses verts ne sont pas très riches […] mais sur cette nature un peu triste elle répand à profusion la lumière, lumière blanche du plein soleil. » (1875). Isabelle Ronzier vous propose de composer vos paysages par l’écriture. 

Tarif : entrée du musée (6€/4€ ou carte des Amis du Musée Louis Vouland pour une entrée gratuite illimitée) + 20 € par atelier ou forfait 50 € pour 3 ateliers

Prochaines dates : 11 mars / 5 avril / 20 mai /10 juin

Renseignements et réservations au 04 90 86 03 79 /


From June 5th to December 31st 2022 - Marius Breuil, pas à pas


+ than 200 Paintings and Drawings


This exhibition is developed around the studio collection of Marius Breuil. This artist from Avignon, who was curious about current artistic events, refused to participate in the official world of Fine Arts. A friend of Pierre Grivolas and Paul Saïn, he rejected the idea of belonging to a group and only exhibited his works once, in 1888. Marius Breuil thus asserts his freedom and independence.

His numerous small oil sketches show "sumptuous materials". His energetic touch expresses the mineral, austere and solar character of the Mediterranean nature

around Avignon and in the Alpilles.

No anecdote disturbs the feeling of oblivion and solitude that emanates from his

compositions, arid plateaus punctuated by gnarled trees and limestone rocks.

Atelier Meilleurs Vœux 

Mardi 27 décembre de 15 h à 17 h30

Pour tous.tes dès 7 ans, en famille.

Cet atelier invite à réaliser des cartes de vœux originales, inspirées de l'infini répertoire de motifs du musée, de l'exposition, du jardin et de lettrines. Les enfants donnent formes à leurs vœux et découvrent le plaisir d'écrire leurs douces pensées à ceux qu'ils aiment !

Mercredi 28 décembre de 15 h à 17 h30

Pour tous.tes dès 9 ans, en famille.

Cet atelier invite à réaliser des cartes de vœux originales, inspirées de l'infini répertoire du musée, de l'exposition, du jardin et de lettrines. Les enfants s'initient à la calligraphie et donnent formes à leurs vœux avec le plaisir d'écrire leurs douces pensées à ceux qu'ils aiment !

Réservation indispensable (limité à 10 participants)

Tarifs (visite, musée, exposition, jardin et atelier) :

12€/personne ; 20€ / 2 personnes de la même famille

Le musée est labellisé Accueil Vélo. Le jardin est refuge LPO.

17, Rue Victor Hugo

T : 04 90 86 03 79

Guided tours

Marius Breuil, step by step

- Wednesday October 5 at 3 p.m. (as part of the Provençal week)

- Tuesday, October 11 at 5:30 p.m.

-Wednesday, October 26 at 4 p.m.

Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition, introduces you to the work of the Avignon landscape architect Marius Breuil (1850-1932), an free spirit, who refused the system of Fine Arts at the end of the 19th century and only exhibited once, 27 canvases in Avignon in 1888.

The museum is labeled Accueil Vélo. The garden is an LPO refuge.

Prices  (museums, exhibitions, garden): +2€ for the visit

Adult: €6 / Reduced*: €4 / Child (-12 years old): Free / Young people: Pass culture

17, Rue Victor-Hugo

T: 04 90 86 03 79

Atelier Pour un Noël enchanteur

Pour toustes dès 7 ans, en famille.

-Samedi 3 décembre de 10 h à 12 h30

-Samedi 3 décembre de 15 h à 17 h30

Découper, assembler, coller, écrire... pour réaliser des couronnes odorantes et colorées ou des boules à souhait en mêlant traditions suédoises et provençales pour préparer un Noël enchanteur. Julkrona ? Rimstuga ? Léonore Sundström et Arthur Ribes vous invitent à imaginer et réaliser des formes et des motifs inspirés par les Arts décoratifs au musée, essentiellement à partir d'éléments glanés dans la nature et récupérés. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez apporter des matériaux.

Réservation indispensable (limité à 10 participants)

Tarifs (visite, musée, exposition, jardin et atelier) :

12€/personne ; 20€ / 2 personnes de la même famille

Le musée est labellisé Accueil Vélo. Le jardin est refuge LPO.

17, Rue Victor Hugo

T : 04 90 86 03 79

Bonheur du samedi, atelier d'écriture

Ce ne sont après tout que des corps refroidis.

Paul Valéry


Samedi 26 novembre de 14 h30 à 17 h.

Le deuxième atelier d'écriture au musée Vouland du cycle annuel proposé par Isabelle Ronzier met l'accent sur les Arts du feu, en particulier  la céramique. Du pot à eau chaude au rafraîchissoir, en passant par de précieuses porcelaines, il sera question de matières, de couleurs, de cuisson petit feu et grand feu, de transformation, d'usage, de formes et de décors. Un temps sera réservé au jardin en passant par l'exposition Marius Breuil, Pas à pas ; voir si cet automne a des airs de printemps ou d'hiver...

Tarifs : entrée du musée (6€/4€ ou carte des Amis du Musée Louis Vouland pour une entrée gratuite illimitée) + 20 € par atelier

Forfait 50 € pour 3 atelier, 120 € pour l'année.
Possibilité de payer en plusieurs fois.

Prochaines dates : 17 décembre / 21 janvier / 25 février / 11 mars / 15 avril / 20 mai

Renseignements et réservations au 04 90 86 03 79 ou

Quand l'orchestre s'éclate en ville
Duo et trio à cordes

Dimanche 20 Novembre à 16 h30

Deux violonistes de l'Orchestre d'Avignon, Gabriella Kovacs et Bo Xiang, accompagnées de Dorine Lepeltier au violoncelle, proposent une heure de musique de chambre dans les collections d'Arts décoratifs du musée avec un programme européen de la fin du XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, de Giovanni Battista Viotti, Frederigo Fiorillo, Luigi Boccherini à Niccolò Peganini.

Entrée libre pour toustes.

Renseignements et réservations au 04 90 86 03 79 ou

Variations sur la céramique

Samedi 19 Novembre à 16 h30

"Regardez bien tous ces objets dans le Musée, et songez à présent aux étonnantes quantités de pareils objets qui furent nécessairement en usage." Paul Valéry

Odile Guichard, conservatrice, vous fait découvrir la collection de céramique du Musée Vouland, poterie populaire, faïences à décors de grand feu et de petit feu porcelaines tendres et dures...

Tarifs (musée, expositions, jardin) :

Adulte : 6€ / Réduit* : 4€ / Enfant (- 12 ans) : Gratuit / Jeunes : Pass Culture +2€ pour la visite accompagnée 

17, Rue Victor Hugo

T : 04 90 86 03 79

Programmation Senior Ville d'Avignon

Jeudi 17 novembre  à 14h30

Marius Breuil, Pas à pas.

Le peintre paysagiste Marius Breuil ( Avignon, 1850- Paradou, 1932 ) expérimente le paysage pas à pas, avec une prédilection pour la garrigue des collines du Gard et les Alpilles où il s'installe en 1892. Curieux du monde des Arts, et ami de Pierre Grivolas et Paul Saïn, il refuse "le système des Beaux-Arts" et défend son indépendance. Nous entrerons dans sa peinture (plus de 200 oeuvres exposées) comme il est entré dans le paysage, et découvrirons son interprétation de cette nature des abords d'Avignon qui nous est familière.

Atelier : petit carnet de visite ( croquis, notes, observation, mise en couleurs)

Réservation : 04 90 86 03 79 ou

Tarif : Entrée libre

Toussaint courses

Shadows and Patterns

Wednesday October 26, Thursday October 27 and Friday October 28 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

This holiday workshop in three sequences proposes to play with shadow and light and to observe the work of Marius Breuil (1850-1950), in the museum and the garden, before imagining and creating patterns and decorations, from these games of observations.

From 6 years old

24€ for 3 sessions

17, Rue Victor Hugo

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 or

Step by step, viewpoints

Tuesday October 25, Wednesday October 26 and Thursday October 27 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This holiday workshop divided into 3 sequences introduces the work of the landscape painter Marius Breuil (1850-1950), the museum's collections and the garden, step by step and crossed views. We explore the notions of viewpoints, space, volume, light, framing and movement... and we learn how to produce a frame by frame video.


From 9 years old

24€ for 3 sessions

17, Rue Victor-Hugo

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 or  


“The color of my dreams”

Take part in the next Grande lessive® fall 2022

until October 16

The participative art project La Grande Lessive ®   hijacks the “Grandes lessives” of yesteryear, moments of sociability that punctuated the year, in spring and autumn. Created in 2006 by
the artist Joëlle Gonthier, La Grande Lessive® invites you to participate in a collective creation at a time
local and global thanks to digital. The only constraints are the seasonal theme, the format and the weight of the support: “The color of my dreams” on a 21x29.7 cm support (one A4 sheet) light enough to hold stretched out on a wire with two clothespins. It's open to everyone, young and old...


The color of your dreams can be drawn, painted, glued, black and white, written, flat or in
relief…, you can bring your material or ask for material at the reception, draw your
inspiration in the atmosphere of the museum of decorative arts, facing objects or works, in the garden or elsewhere, drop off your creations before October 16, and come back to share the moment of collective hanging on October 20 2022 (a video of the drying will be produced, sent to La Grande Lessive ®   for worldwide distribution.

Every day from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. except Mondays and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. from September 20

Prices (museum, exhibitions, garden):
Adult: 6€ | Reduced: 4 € | Child (- 12 years old): Free | Young people: Culture pass
Groups by appointment including outside opening hours
T: 04 90 86 03 79

A platform to contemplate the moon

Conference with projection

In partnership withTrace of poet


Sunday, October 16 at 5 p.m.

Philippe Bonnin, architect, anthropologist and author, notably directed the "Vocabulary of Japanese Spatiality" ; published by the CNRS in 2014. After "Katsura and its gardens: a myth of Japanese architecture" ; in 2019, Philippe Bonnin published with Arléa in 2022 "A platform to contemplate the moon".

What do we keep from discovering a magical place and the wonder it arouses? What images will come back to haunt our memory, in brief bursts? And how to write the emotion born of the beauty of a place such as the Katsura gardens?

Reservation (limited places): 04 90 86 03 79 or

Free and joint participation

17, Rue Victor-Hugo

Italian Week


Guided tour with Odile Guichard, curator of the Musee Vouland.

Wednesday, October 12 at 4:30 p.m.

From the majolica of Casteldurante, Urbino or Faenza, to the earthenware of Moustiers and Marseille, but also Delft, Nevers, Lyon, Montpellier, we will discover ceramics from the 16th to the 18th centuries from the Decorative Arts collection of the industrialist of food industry Louis Vouland (1883-1973).

Prices: €12 / €10 / €7

Reservation (limited places): 04 90 86 03 79 or

17, Rue Victor-Hugo.



Wednesday, October 12 at 6:30 p.m.

Consort of violins, Italian Renaissance music.

La Capriola brings together four ranges of violins and four musicians from the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Lyon: Juliette Ridel (canto), Charlotte Gerbitz (alto), Dorine Lepeltier (tenore) and Manon Papasergio (basso).

The consort invites you to discover a mass by Teodoro Riccio as it was played in the 16th century, with an alternation of monodic Gregorian (played on bass) and polyphony, and the insertion of pieces on the harp or solo violin, other composers, Bassano, Antegnati, Palestrina and Maschera, and secular pieces, such as hits of the time played notably at the Offertory.

Prices: €12 / €10 / €7

Reservation (limited places): 04 90 86 03 79 or

17, Rue Victor-Hugo.

Provencal week

Marius Breuil, Step by step

Guided tour by the exhibition.

Wednesday, October 5 at 3 p.m.


Marius Breuil, a modest man who never exhibits


Wednesday, October 5 at 5:30 p.m.

By Odile Guichard, curator-director of the museum and exhibition curator.


Prices (museum, exhibitions and garden): €6 / visit or conference; €12 / visit or conference.

Reservation (limited places): 04 90 86 03 79 or

17, Rue Victor-Hugo


Discount of the 25thJacques Leon Prize

Thursday, October 6 at 5:45 p.m.

The winners of the 25th Jacques Leon Prize Provençal Tradition and Modernity ; are Pierre Geren ; Fils, wine estate of Château de Fontségugne in Châteauneuf-de Gardagne.


Free and joint participation.

Registration: 04 90 86 03 79 or

17, Rue Victor-Hugo





Accompanied visit -Marius Breuil, Step by Step 

An artist, a collector 

September 18 at 2:30 p.m. | Free & solidarity participation

The works of the landscape painter Marius Breuil, born in Avignon in 1850, presented in the exhibitionstep by stepwould they have been kept without the passion of a collector who searched for them for more than thirty years?

This visit emphasizes forgetting and discovering heritage, its conservation and its transmission.

Come by bike: the museum has the Accueil Vélo label!


Workshops write 

The writings remain

Led by Isabelle Ronzier (cultural mediator) | September 17 at 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. | Free & solidarity participation

Around the theme "Sustainable heritage", Isabelle Ronzier offers you three writing workshops in the garden, as a prelude to the writing cycle & "Saturday Happiness" which takes place one Saturday a month at the Vouland museum in 2022/23.

2:30 p.m.    Stems, leaves, flowers and fruits
3:30 p.m.    Walls have ears
4:30 p.m.    Street side, garden side

Short 40-minute workshops, to taste and dabble in writing, before extending the exercise throughout the year! 


Exhibition on the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO)


The birds of our gardens

Hosted by the LPO | Friday 16 by appointment (for schoolchildren), September 17 and 18 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. | Free & solidarity participation

Here, alongside the collections, we protect nature and the living world: heritage or common good?
Come and discover which birds can be observed in the garden. The League for the Protection of Birds welcomes you around the exhibition "The birds of our gardens' and introduces you to ecology and ornithology.


Silence, we observe and we listen!
We will also explain to you the history of the garden of the Vouland museum crossed by the Canal de Vaucluse, why it has been a Refuge of the League for the Protection of Birds since 2021, and what that implies.


European Heritage Days

"Sustainable heritage"

Friday 16, Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 September



Change to last?

Friday 16 by appointment (for schoolchildren), September 17 and 18 at 4 p.m. | Free & solidarity participation

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Whatever its nature, heritage refers to a legacy and to the past; it induces duration. However, faced with contemporary challenges, the theme “sustainable heritage” links heritage to sustainable development. How to develop responsible and united practices in the conservation, management and animation of heritage?

We offer a visit-dialogue that addresses heritage (built, material, cultural, immaterial, natural) and new practices from the Vouland museum. This Avignon museum is 40 years old this year and houses a collection of decorative arts from the 17th and 18th centuries, brought together in the 20th century by Louis Vouland in his 19th century private mansion!

Will we talk about it again in ten years?

Come by bike: the museum has the Accueil Vélo label!


Meeting with teachers

Back to school!
Wednesday, September 7 at 11 a.m. or 4:30 p.m.

We welcome teachers from kindergarten to higher education to introduce them to the 17th and 18th century Decorative Arts Museum, home of a 20th century collector,
the exhibition of landscape painter Marius Breuil (Avignon, 1850 – Paradou • Alpilles, 1932),
the refuge garden of the League for the Protection of Birds, the museum's commitment and project, the school program and educational perspectives.

The museum is labeled Accueil Vélo. The garden is an LPO refuge.

Open from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. until September 18, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. from September 20 (except Mondays), the museum primarily receives school children in the morning, outside opening hours.
On registration. Meeting and visit-dialogue. Free & solidarity participation.

17, rue Victor-Hugo.
T: 04 90 86 03 79


Mario al clave.jpg

Concert "Moonlight Sonatas" in the garden

Tuesday August 30 at 8:30 p.m.

The Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum offers you a concert given by Laetitia Tuza (cello) and Mario Raskin (harpsichord) in the garden of the Vouland Museum in Avignon.
Under the stars and among the flowers, harpsichord and cello will dialogue with spontaneity,
the lightness and naturalness specific to the Age of Enlightenment.
When the cello and the harpsichord enter the world of the sonata, one leaves its role of accompanist to take center stage, the other, the harpsichord leaves the yoke of the After of French dances to integrate the art magnified by Mozart in a new musical epic. The cello has found its true lyrical dimension, while the harpsichord shines with its last lights, with a Mozart who has not yet turned to the pianoforte.

On the program: Vivaldi, Telemann, Boismortier, Handel, Mozart

Prices :
Full 20 € | Member price 18 € | Youth (- 18 years old) 15 €

Reservations: 04 90 86 03 79

In case of bad weather, the evening will be postponed to August 31.


From 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m., every Friday in July and Friday August 5, 12 and 19

How about a siesta downtown, away from the hustle and bustle and under the shade of a maple tree
The garden of the Vouland museum offers an ideal setting for relaxation. Sit on a deck chair, soak up the scents, listen to the birdsong or the voice of our mediator who offers you this reading break. Let yourself be lulled by listening to the anecdotes of Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, the letters of Jean-Jacques Rousseau on botany or the story of a missionary on Chinese porcelain.

The opportunity to learn more about the collection of decorative arts and the craftsmanship associated with it... or quite simply to take a well-deserved nap!


Storytelled nap 


Concert : From Mozart to Mendelssohnn

by the Messiaen Quartet


Thursday August 18 at 7 p.m.

The Messiaen quartet bears its name in honor of Olivier Messiaen, a composer from Avignon who notably gave his name to the Conservatory of the city of Avignon where this project was born. The quartet is made up of 4 young students. Solène Kynast-Ferrucci, Laïa Renaud, Eva Jallat and Hanna Peron have been playing together for several years since 3 of them were together at the Conservatoire in Avignon, and at the Lycée Théodore Aubanel. Eva Jallat is a violist at the Aix en Provence Conservatory and met Hanna Peron when the latter began her studies in Aix en Provence. They all four decided to keep this musical link by creating this quartet in order to play in their region and elsewhere.

Prices: free and solidarity participation (recommended price €12)
Reservations: 04 90 86 03 79



July 13 to 15

From  July 27 to 29

August 10 to 12

Over three late summer afternoons, young and old can discover the decorative arts collection, the painting and drawing exhibition Marius Breuil (Avignon, 1850 – Paradou - Alpilles, 1932), step by step and the museum garden.

From your discoveries, your observations and your imagination, inspired by the atmosphere, the objects, paintings, trees and flowers, and the birds, you will create your travel diary at the museum...

3 courses, dates of your choice (from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.)

Price per course (3 afternoons):
Adult: 24€ | Reduced*: 18€ | Young people: Culture pass
Registration on 04 90 86 03 79
*students, under 26, job seekers

Discovery course of the Vouland museum


Workshops Along the pattern

by the Atelier Métissé association


Tuesday July 19 and Wednesday July 20, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 August from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Monday April 11 or Tuesday April 12 - 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.


The Vouland Museum and the Atelier Métissé are once again offering weaving workshops for
children from 8 years old.
We will go through the permanent collection of the Vouland Museum together to immerse ourselves in the ornaments of earthenware, tapestries, furniture... and thus create weavings whose shapes, colors and textures echo the Decorative Arts. Our method of weaving with a louvre makes it possible to make young people aware of artisanal manufacturing techniques, the recycling of fabric as well as our modern relationship to textiles.

The Atelier Métissé is a technical center focused on textiles, a training center, a space for creation and transmission as well as an educational costume linked to recycling.

In the fabric as in the nature of the material, there is, in very small form, the artit's signature (Carl Sagan).

2 workshops, dates of your choice:
From the age of 8.

8 children maximum per day
Price per course (2 afternoons): €30 per child


Body awakenings

as part of the Hivernales summer festival
From July 10 to 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.


As part of the Hivernales festival, Anaïs Lheureux offers body awareness workshops in the garden of the Vouland museum.
Awaken your body, feed your imagination and discover this innovative body practice recognized for its impact on everyone's health.

Each session begins with MUNZ FLOOR, circular movements on the ground that release tension. The sessions will continue with MUNZ MOVE, a “fun” approach to movement through mental imagery. Whatever your level and your age, these bodily awakenings are a guaranteed pleasure for the senses in a privileged natural outdoor environment.

A graduate of Choreographic Studies obtained with a gold medal at the National Conservatory of Chalon-sur-Saône, Anais Lheureux becomes the first MUNZ® Trainer to be certified on the 3 methods, MUNZ® FLOOR (a training regenerating your central nervous system 3) , SAFE® BARRE (a ballet barre incorporating modern biomechanics) and MUNZ® MOVE (tools to generate contemporary movements ) in various dance centers in France and Europe.

Prices :
10€ | Limited places
Reservations: 04 90 82 33 12

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Meet at the gardens

"Gardens in the face of climate change"


from June 3 to 5 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

We'll talk about it again in 10 years!

From June 3 to 5, 2022


Come, observe, note, tell, draw, photograph, film, bring seeds... and deposit your observations, stories, drawings,... at the museum in the archive box "we'll talk about it again in 10 years"which will be carefully preserved at the museum. If you prefer digital media, you can send us your files to keep at the email address:

In 2022, we provide you with the specifications of the refuges of the League for the Protection of Birds, elements on the history of the garden and its flora, observations, reflections, and paper to create your album "We'll talk about it again in 10 years”, and see you in June 2032. Come back, observe, compare… And we'll talk again about the museum garden and climate change.

Are there no longer seasons !

From June 3 to 5, 2022


Meeting in the garden and workshop


What about the cyclical weather of the seasons in times of climate change?

In June, “a hoeing is worth two waterings. »

For centuries, popular sayings have marked the year of the gardener. In the visual arts, work calendars of the months illustrate the rhythm of agricultural life alongside representations of the seasons.


From photographic vignettes of the life of the Vouland Museum garden over the year, popular elements, we invite you to re-compose sayings and/or an album of the four seasons.

By my tree

From June 3 to 5, 2022


Meeting-workshop (drawing / writing)

Or the interest of nature in the city… With our tree we live happily, and take advantage of the microclimate of the garden in the heart of the city. The tutelary tree of the museum is a field maple. From April to October, it protects us from the heat of the sun. The birds find a shelter there, and, in the heart of summer, the cicadas settle there. In the fall, it offers us the aerial spectacle of the journey of its helicopter samaras and its golden foliage. But a few days before summer, its mass of shadow attracts “like an island of freshness in the middle of the fire of this day, stop and seize the moment. »*

Beyond the pleasure of the moment and the pleasure (invitation to a siesta…), at his side, we recall the useful functions of nature in the city at a time of climate change and the decline of biodiversity. Among other virtues, we will discuss its ability to reduce the temperature thanks to shade and evapotranspiration, to retain humidity, to house the living... And we invite you to transcribe graphically or in words what this moment of happiness “near my tree” inspires you.


*Paul Valery

A bicycle !

From June 3 to 5, 2022


At the Vouland museum you will discover a sedan chair, a coach heater, Madame du Barry's travel kit, the team's bicycles and bicycle racks under umbrellas on the Canal de Vaucluse, but also, if necessary, Allen keys and bicycle pumps!

A few pedal strokes from the ViaRhôna, a major European cycle route, we welcome cyclists to the garden. Located in the immediate vicinity of the Rhône, inside the ramparts of Avignon which surround the 14th century city, the museum is in "a meeting zone" where pedestrians and cyclists can stroll quietly. In this district built at the end of the 19th century on the site of the former Dominican convent, the mansions open to the south onto gardens crossed by the Vaucluse Canal. That of the museum is imagined as a sensitive and sensory extension of the collections, favorable to biodiversity.


Come by bike to discover this haven of peace to live over the hours and the seasons (if there are still seasons!) where you can also taste syrups of thyme, rosemary, lavandin..., Mediterranean essences that the found in the garden. We will tell you more!

European Night of Museums

The museum where we talk

Saturday May 14 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.


Tonight, words, dialogues, sharing, surprises* and fantasy at the Vouland museum. The team and its partners, the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum, the School of Fine Arts of Nîmes, the Compagnie Mise en Scène, the Actéon-Correspondance School, trace de poet, the writing workshops of Isabelle Ronzier , welcome you.

Decorative arts of the 17th and 18th centuries to the creations of the students of the Superior School of Fine Arts in Nîmes, Provençal works, paintings, drawings and objects taken from the reserves to the artist's book by Dominique-Pierre Limon and Hélène Martin, “Sorgue” paintings and engravings in the garden, what discoveries and topics of conversation !


We leave our reserve Act 2

In the living room with a chandelier


The museum is labeled Accueil Vélo.

The garden is a refuge of the League for the Protection of Birds


from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.: We are going to tell you...

It was as civic service volunteers that Louna and Baptiste discovered the Vouland museum.

For several months, they have been actively participating in mediation actions to welcome all audiences, from the youngest to the oldest, designing and producing tools, such as podcasts and videos, which promote the discovery of the 17th and 18th and the collection of Arts of Provence taken out of the reserves.

During spontaneous conversations, they testify to their experience at the museum, their discoveries and favorites and accompany you to encounter objects, materials, details that, without them, you might not notice.

from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.: In the living room with the chandelier

Let's talk! | Students of the School of Fine Arts of Nîmes

Students from the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Nîmes invite you to discover their creations, in the living room with the chandelier and throughout the museum.

They tell you what this project at the museum inspired them, and how they chose their means of expression.

They also reveal how they inserted their work into the 17th and 18th century decorative arts collection for games around motifs, shapes, languages, techniques and materials. And perhaps they will share the questions they have had about ornament, adornment and decor.

“Considered as useless, bourgeois and primitive, ornament is, for supporters of modernity, “a survival from the past”, a barbaric archaism that must be eradicated. »

Adolf Loos, Ornament and Crime, 1908

from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.: First sketches

Playful roaming carried by 15 amateur/professional actors | "The House is moving" from Home Movie by Suzanne Joubert and other fragments (texts/testimonials)

The research and creation project "Outside, our shared heritage"of the Compagnie Mises en scène in Avignon led a group of adult amateurs, mainly women, to the Vouland museum, to discover the exhibitions "Marcel Dumont, Alpilles" including they were the last visitors, then “We come out of our reserve act 2”, and of course the museum of atmosphere which gives the feeling of entering the collector Louis Vouland.

And the Chinese room!

From emotions and testimonies, improvisations and excerpts from texts ranging from Paul Valéry to Jean-Claude Imbert (whose albums are exhibited) via Henri Michaux or Suzanne Joubert, an experience of <<playful roaming », composed of fragments, which put end to end, lead us from observation to creation, between dream and reality.

from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.: Prelude to silence

Discussions I trace of poet

The Trace de Poète association offers you focus and discussions around the exhibition Sorgue which presents engravings and paintings by Dominique-Pierre Limon and pays tribute to the author-composer-performer Hélène Martin (1928-2021 ).

From videos that accompany the exhibited works, trace of poet invites you to discuss successively on the major themes of the exhibition, the Sorgue, engraving, Hélène Martin, who set to music and sang the poets, René Char, Genêt , Aragón.


At 8:30 p.m.: The joys of Saturday

Reading and meeting | Texts from the monthly writing workshop led by Isabelle Ronzier at the Vouland museum

"Why does this reflection mean so much to you?..."

The Vouland museum, its atmosphere, its garden throughout the seasons, its armchairs, its sculpted cupboard, its chandeliers, its mirrors, its cast iron radiators, its embossed leather screen, and many other things, shown or hidden, have inspired notebooks since September 2021.

During this night of museums, their authors go from pen to speech. They read their writings to you, echoing the place that inspired them, and thus allow you to broaden your perception of more or less familiar objects.

This reading in the garden is followed by a moment of discussion.

from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.: Are we in question?

Ambulatory reading | Actéon-Correspondence School


■ Be cause.He thought he was causing great misfortune. Cause harm. Cause war. Cause joy. Cause scandal. Cause pain. Cause grief.

■ Chat. vn Conversing familiarly with someone.They were talking together for an hour. You are only talking to the Church.

It also means, To speak too much, to speak inconsiderately.Only tell him what you want everyone to know; because he likes to talk. We say in familiar style,Talk about things &amp; others, to say, To talk familiarly about various things of little importance. And it is only in this phrase &amp; in others like it, that Causeis said with a diet. [A diet ?]

Dictionary of the French Academy, 4th edition, 1762

Are we in question?

Carte blanche to Justine Armand, Elena Peirce and Adèle Savatier, from the Actéon-Correspondance School.


Duomo Vecchio

Italian polyphonies of the Renaissance and early Baroque

Thursday April 28 at 7 p.m.


The consort - ensemble - of violins La Capriola enthusiastically shares the abundant musical heritage of Brescia, which opens the dance, sings of love, invites to meditation.

La Capriola brings together four ranges of violins and four musicians from the National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Lyon. Juliette Ridel (canto), Charlotte Gerbitz (alto), Dorine Lepeltier (tenore), Manon Papasergio (basso) enthusiastically invite you to travel and discover an abundant musical heritage!

Free and solidarity participation (recommended price: 10 €)


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The Museum tour


Saturday March 26 at 2:30 p.m. 


TOUR ? Pregnant, tower. The city circuit. Make the circuit of the walls. The tour
of a province. A great circuit. A long circuit. [...]
We say figure. Tour of words, And this is taken for everything that we say before coming to the
do. A great circuit of words. A long tour of words. (Dictionary of the Academy
French, 3rd edition, 1740)
We accompany you in the collection of decorative arts from the 17th and 18th centuries,
the exhibition “Let's get out of our reserve! Act 2” and in the garden.

Prices :

Adult: 8€ | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 12 years old): Free | Young people: Culture pass

17, rue Victor-Hugo.

T: 04 90 86 03 79


European Days of Crafts

April 2 and 3 - "Our hands in unison"

Saturday April 2

From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.:Continuous projection of “Materials and know-how” videos

On the occasion of these European Days of Crafts, the videos (from 12 to 15 minutes) carried out as part of the “Materials and know-how” project initiated in 2020 are presented for the first time to the public. These are portraits of craftsmen from the Avignon region who share their knowledge andmake from creations or restorations and look at the collections of the Vouland Museum:- Giovanni Taormina – Easel painting restorer, Avignon- Corentin Tavernier – Craftsman/inlay artist (wood), Pernes-les-Fontaines- Christophe Omnes – Cabinetmaker/joiner (wood), Arles.

Entrance fees to the museum (access to collections, exhibitions and garden): €6/€4

2:30 p.m.: Guided tour

Discovery of materials, furniture techniques and works of art in the Museum and manipulation of samples of different types of wood.

Prices: €8/€6

4:30 p.m.: Reading “Materials and know-how”

What did Europeans know about the secrets of porcelain at the dawn of the 18th century?
What effects did trade have on the quality of
furniture ?
This reading of extracts from texts, mainly from the 18th century, focuses on Arts and Crafts, techniques and know-how, the objects produced and their trade, in relation to the museum's collection of Decorative Arts.

Prices: €8/€6

Sunday April 3

2 p.m. to 6 p.m.:Continuous projection of “Materials and know-how” videos.



“SORGUE” Hélène Martin

Reading-Concert / Brigitte de Saint Martin and Jean Cohen-Solal

Saturday March 26 at 4 p.m. 


During a reading-concert, Brigitte de Saint Martin and Jean Cohen-Solal, who were both close to Hélène Martin, lead us into her world.

Author-composer-performer, Hélène MARTIN (1928-2021), used to song the poets, René Char, Genêt, Aragon,…

Her intimate understanding of each poet, the quality of her musical interpretation which combined rigor and emotion, have rewarded her with numerous prizes and made each of her concerts an event.

Prices: €10 - €8


Partnership Vouland Museum / poet&#39;s trace

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© Patrice Terraz

Thursday March 24 from 1 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. - The Vouland museum is doing its big laundry!


La grande lessive is an ephemeral art installation made by everyone around the Earth on the theme &quot;Shadow(s) cast(s)&quot; on March 24, 2022.

The 25 students of Laurence Laguitton's CE1 class at the Bouquerie school (Avignon)* set up their 25 open windows on the museum's collection for a spring day, with the desire to share their creations and awaken curiosity.

We are stronger together than alone! 


Discover the global project created in 2006 by the artist Joëlle Gonthier:

Prices (includes access to: museum, exhibition, garden):

Adult: 6€ | Reduced: 4€ | Child (- 12 years old) and Parents of students: Free

17, rue Victor-Hugo.

T: 04 90 86 03 79


From March 12 to 28 during opening hours - 1, 2, 3, sun!

Garden and museum


It's spring !

Every day, a work, an object, a detail, a pattern, a leaf, a flower, is revealed...

In a renewed game of correspondences, shapes, colors and materials, shadows and lights, sounds and perfumes respond to each other, in the museum as in the garden.

For young and old.


Price (includes access to: museum, exhibition, garden):

Adult: 6€ | Reduced: 4 € | Child (- 12 years old): Free | Young people: Culture pass

17, rue Victor-Hugo.

T: 04 90 86 03 79

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Saturday March 19 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. - Happiness of Saturday

Writing workshop

In partnership with Isabelle Ronzier, cultural mediator, the Vouland museum offers an annual cycle of writing workshops around its 17th-18th century decorative arts collections. Participants are invited to discover the different facets of the place and to take up the pen during these monthly meetings which will take place on Saturday around the 20th of each month. Each workshop focuses on a theme related to the collection of the Vouland museum.


Prices: entrance to the museum (€6/€4 or Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum card for unlimited free entry) + €20 per workshop

Package 50 € for 3 workshops

Possibility to pay in installments 


Next dates: March 19, 2021 / April 23, 2022 / May 21, 2022.

Reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

17, Rue


Saturday March 12 at 4 p.m. - Philippe Jaccottet, The passing of days

Conference - reading by André Ughetto

"Erasure be my way of shining"

The first meeting between Jaccottet and Ughetto took place in 1970, when the latter had just been appointed professor at Valréas, not far from Grignan. Subsequently, various collaborations brought the two men together: an issue of the magazine SUD devoted to Jaccottet, a joint translation of a collection by the Italian poet Piero Bigongiari. 
In 2009, André Ughetto created a scenic montage"The Walk on the Paths of Philippe Jaccottet" from which he is inspired today for this presentation. Throughout the poet's biography, the different aspects of his work will be evoked, and this melancholy of passing time, always present...

Partnership Vouland Museum / poet's trace

Price: €6/€4

17, rue Victor-Hugo

T: 04 90 86 03 79


Saturday March 12 at 2.30 p.m. - The Museum Circuit


CIRCUIT? Pregnant, tower. The city circuit. Make the circuit of the walls. The circuit
of a province. A great circuit. A long circuit. [...]
We say figure. Circuit of words, And this is taken for everything that we say before coming to the
do. A great circuit of words. A long circuit of words. (Dictionary of the Academy
French, 3rd edition, 1740)
We accompany you in the collection of decorative arts from the 17th and 18th centuries,
the exhibition “Let's get out of our reserve! Act 2” and in the garden.

Prices :

Adult: 8€ | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 12 years old): Free | Young people: Culture pass

17, rue Victor-Hugo.

T: 04 90 86 03 79


Friday March 11 at 6 p.m. - Roman News / Alberto Moravia

Reading by Jean-Claude Delalondre

Touching, endearing, cruel and irresistible...

The actor Jean-Claude Delalondre gives a tasty reading, where humor dominates, of four funny stories taken fromRoman Newsby Alberto Moravia (1907-1990). This veritable catalog of the banal ailments of everyday life humorously depicts the little hassles of life, often the most ephemeral, but which taken end to end, reflect the vicissitudes of our destiny.


Reading proposed by the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum


Price: Adult: 10€ | Reduced: 8 € | Child (- 12 years old): Free

17, rue Victor-Hugo.

T: 06 11 37 75 02


Thursday March 3 at 2:30 p.m. - What are you made of?

Guided tour for seniors


Exceptional furniture in carved, veneered or inlaid wood, of various shapes and functions, is made of wood of different species. What is the difference between carpentry and cabinet making? What woods are used, where do they come from, what are their properties? Are they chosen for their solidity, their lightness, their colors, their veins, their smells, ...? Are these woods valuable? What other materials are these pieces of furniture made of? Alongside the observation of the furniture, you are invited to compare many samples of wood and sheets of wood, to observe their appearance, their density, their smell, ... to learn to distinguish different species. Small workshop inspired by the technique of marquetry if time permits, or instructions for completion at the end of the visit.


Free and joint participation

17, rue Victor-Hugo.

T: 04 90 86 03 79

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Saturday February 19 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday Happiness, writing workshop


In partnership with Isabelle Ronzier, cultural mediator, the Vouland museum offers an annual cycle of writing workshops around its 17th-18th century decorative arts collections. Participants are invited to discover the different facets of the place and to take up the pen during these monthly meetings which will take place on Saturday around the 20th of each month. Each workshop focuses on a theme related to the collection of the Vouland museum.


Price: entrance to the museum (€6/€4 or Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum card which offers free entry to the museum) + €20 per workshop or €50 package for 3 workshops​

Possibility of split payment


Next dates: March 19, 2021 / April 23, 2022 / May 21, 2022.


Registration on 04 90 86 03 79 /


Saturday January 22 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday Happiness, writing workshop


In partnership with Isabelle Ronzier, cultural mediator, the Vouland museum offers an annual cycle of writing workshops around its 17th-18th century decorative arts collections. Participants are invited to discover the different facets of the place and to take up the pen during these monthly meetings which will take place on Saturday around the 20th of each month. Each workshop focuses on a theme related to the collection of the Vouland museum.


Price: admission to the museum (€6/€4 or the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum card which offers free admission to the museum) + €20 per workshop or flat rate €50 for 3 workshops

Possibility of split payment


Next dates: February 19, 2021 / March 19, 2021 / April 23, 2022 / May 21, 2022.


Registration on 04 90 86 03 79 /


Marcel DumontALPILLES


October 9 - December 31, 2021



This exhibition celebrates the   centenary of the birth of the painter Marcel Dumont (1921-1998). Designed as a diptych, it unfolds in Avignon at the Vouland museum and in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence at the Alpilles museum.

From the Alpilles where he lived for nearly thirty years, Marcel Dumont "tracked the secret structure of the elements, stones and trees, veins and foliage, or else, patiently internalized landscapes, spaces in their purity of light. That is to say that , not stopping at the external aspect of things, he sought above all to capture the vital breaths that animate them, the internal thrusts whose
they are inhabited." (François Cheng, 2001)


Adult: 6 € | Reduced: €4 | Child (- 12 years old): Free


Tuesday, December 28 at 4 p.m. 

Walk in the Alpilles

Visit accompanied by the temporary exhibition

For all - In family

Marcel Dumont (1921-1998) encountered a site, the Alpilles in 1948. He was struck by the light and the lyricism of these landscapes punctuated by limestone rocks, pines and orchards animated by the mistral. This visit to the exhibition explores the motifs inspired by the Alpilles in the work of Marcel Dumont.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: €6 | Child (- 12 years old): 2€


Wednesday, December 29 - 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

What wood are you made of?

Visit-workshop for children/teens from 7 years old

Observe and describe, discover that the furniture in the museum, in carved or inlaid wood, has various forms and functions.
To extend the observation of the different woods used, we are invited to smell, touch, weigh, compare samples of many wood species from here and elsewhere. What woods are used, where do they come from? Are they used for their solidity, their lightness, their colors, their veins, their smells, ...? Are these woods valuable? What other materials are found on this furniture?

8 € per child
Registration on 04 90 86 03 79 /

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Thursday, December 30 at 2:30 p.m.

Guided tours of the 17th-18th century decorative arts collection


Guided tour of the collections of the Vouland museum acquired by the agri-food industrialist Louis Vouland (Noves, 1883 – Avignon, 1973) who was passionate about the Decorative Arts of the 17th and 18th centuries. His exceptional collection of furniture, earthenware, porcelain, tapestries, clocks, Chinese art objects is presented in his former residence. This intimate museum promotes understanding of the spirit of the 18th century.


Adult: 8 € | Reduced: €6 | Child (- 12 years old): 2 € (+ free participation)

Reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /


Thursday December 23 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

For Christmas, a change of plate, a change of scenery

Visit-workshop for children/teens from 7 years old

For Christmas, create your decor on a plate!
After having discovered and observed the decorations of the ceramics of the Vouland museum, the children can compose their own decorations on plates – in cardboard – to slip under the tree or on the Christmas table.

8 € per child
Registration on 04 90 86 03 79 / 



Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 December from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The pleasures of winter

Sewing workshops (from 9 years old)

Hosted by Isabelle from the Atelier Métissé association
This two-session workshop introduces you to sewing within the teeming universe of the museum. It is a question of making a textile accessory by drawing inspiration from the generous repertoire of decorative arts collections from the 17th and 18th centuries. Imagine, it's winter...


Workshop organized in partnership with Atelier Métissé:

€44 for two sessions (equipment provided); limited to 5 participants; From 9 years old

Registration on 04 90 86 03 79 /


Thursday, December 16 at 6 p.m.

Sovereign ornament - On rockery, decoration, living

Lecture by Bertrand Prévost, art historian and philosopher, lecturer at Bordeaux-Montaigne University.


Rococo decoration is not approached from the perspective of a history of decorative styles from the middle of the 18th century but for its ornamental sovereignty. How to design a decoration that would free the ornament from any dependence vis-à-vis its support to the point of giving it structural strength?


Conference offered in partnership with the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nîmes


Free and joint participation

Registration on 04 90 86 03 79 / 

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Saturday December 18 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday Happiness, writing workshop


In partnership with Isabelle Ronzier, cultural mediator, the Vouland museum offers an annual cycle of writing workshops around its 17th-18th century decorative arts collections. Participants are encouraged to discover the different facets of the place and to take up the pen during these monthly meetings which will take place on Saturday around the 20th of each month. Each workshop focuses on a theme related to the collection of the Vouland museum.


Price: admission to the museum (€6/€4 or the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum card which offers free admission to the museum) + €20 per workshop or €50 flat rate for 3 workshops, or €120 flat rate for the year


Possibility of split payment


Next dates: January 22, 2021 / February 19, 2021 / March 19, 2021 / April 23, 2022 / May 21, 2022.


Registration on 04 90 86 03 79 /


Sunday December 12 at 11 a.m.
Collector's house or decorative arts museum?

Conference by Odile Guichard, curator-director

at Delegation Vaucluse, CMAR, 35 rue Joseph Vernand

The only decorative arts museum in Avignon and its region, the Vouland museum presents an exceptional collection of decorative arts from the 17th and 18th centuries in the style of a collector's house. We address the conservation and restoration issues raised by this presentation and the specificity of these objects, after recalling the evolution of their status, from their genesis to  their entry into the museum. It is also an opportunity to recall the importance of knowledge of materials and the transmission of know-how.  

In partnership with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the PACA region, as part of the Reg'Art festival


Free and solidarity entry

Sunday December 12 at 4:30 p.m.
To do and to know: a whole know-how! 

Play at Delegation Vaucluse, CMAR, 35 rue Joseph Vernand

This reading with four voices proposed by the extended team of the Vouland museum mixes excerpts from treatises on arts and crafts with fictional texts. The 18th century is central in this journey in words which takes us into the factory, the life of the workshops, the constraints of the material, the transmission of knowledge and techniques, as close as possible to the objects.


In partnership with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the PACA region, as part of the Reg'Art festival


Free and solidarity entry


Saturday December 4 at 4:30 p.m.

Vasarely, Pillage

Meeting and dedication


Five years after the exhibition Vasarely, Multiplicité de 2016, the Vouland museum invites you to a meeting with the authors Lætitia Sariroglou, journalist, and Pierre Vasarely, president of the Vasarely foundation, grandson and universal legatee of the artist Victor Vasarely , on the occasion of the publication of the book Vasarely, Le pillage (Fage, 2021), which immerses the reader in the thriller of the judicial saga of the “Vasarely Affair”.

In partnership with the bookstore La Comédie Humaine

Free and joint participation. 


Thursday, December 2 at 2:30 p.m.

Visit-senior workshop of the Marcel Dumont ALPILLES exhibition

Marcel Dumont (1921-1998) painted the Alpilles for more than thirty years. He approaches them more as a living environment than as a motif, as a place of "communion where man and nature are placed in resonance, in vibration of sympathy'.

Organized in partnership with the City of Avignon

Free and joint participation


Thursday, December 23 at 4 p.m.

Friday 10 December - at 2.30 p.m.

Saturday November 27 - at 4 p.m. 

Walk in the Alpilles

Visit accompanied by the temporary exhibition

For all - In family

Marcel Dumont (1921-1998) encountered a site, the Alpilles in 1948. He was struck by the light and the lyricism of these landscapes punctuated by limestone rocks, pines and orchards animated by the mistral. This visit to the exhibition explores the motifs inspired by the Alpilles in the work of Marcel Dumont.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: €6 | Child (- 12 years old): 2€


Saturday, November 20 - 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday happiness Notebooks at the Vouland Museum

Writing workshops led by Isabelle Ronzier

Theme: chandeliers

In partnership with Isabelle Ronzier, cultural mediator, the Vouland museum offers an annual cycle of writing workshops around its 17th-18th century decorative arts collections. Participants are encouraged to discover the different facets of the place and to take up the pen during these monthly meetings which will take place on Saturday around the 20th of each month. Each workshop focuses on a theme related to the collection of the Vouland museum.

12 people maximum per workshop - 1 Saturday per month (2:30 p.m.-5 p.m.).

Next dates: December 18, 2021 / January 22, 2022 / February 19, 2022 / March 19, 2022 / April 23, 2022 / May 21, 2022

Prices :

1 workshop 20€

Package 3 workshops: 50€

Year package: €120, payable in three instalments

+admission to the museum €6 / €4. It is advisable to subscribe to the   Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum (€27). The card allows you to benefit from unlimited admission to the museum, and thus offers the possibility of coming to the museum or the garden to write, rest, meditate, observe nature, take the time to live.

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /
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Thursday, November 18 - at 2:30 p.m.  

Lend me your pen !

Senior visit

In the 18th century, salon conversations, correspondence, speeches, essays, memoirs, animate cultural, literary and philosophical life. This visit embellished with readings brings the furniture back to life, from the writing desk to the happiness of the day, and evokes writing through the art of correspondence. “My daughter, […] our letters are conversations; I speak to you and you answer me”. Madame de Sévigné to Madame de Grignan. The visit is followed by a writing workshop.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Prices: free (organized in partnership with the City of Avignon)


Thursday, November 11 - at 4:30 p.m.  

Walk in the Alpilles

Accompanied tour of the exhibition by the exhibition curator

For all - In family

Marcel Dumont (1921-1998) encountered a site, the Alpilles in 1948. He was struck by the light and the lyricism of these landscapes punctuated by limestone rocks, pines and orchards animated by the mistral. This visit to the exhibition explores the motifs inspired by the Alpilles in the work of Marcel Dumont.

Next dates of vGuided tours: November 27 at 4 p.m. / December 10 at 2:30 p.m. / December 21 at 2:30 p.m. / December 23 at 4 p.m. / December 28 at 4 p.m.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: €6 I Child (- 12 years old) €2

Copie de Belle initiative ! Une murder Party qui permet à des ados de porter un regard per

School vacation

Thursday, October 28 - 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit-workshop for children/teenagers

What wood are you made of?

Discovery of exceptional wooden furniture from the decorative arts collections of the Vouland Museum. Participants are invited to observe and describe, but also to smell, touch and compare many samples of wood to discern the different species. They discover carved or inlaid wooden furniture has a variety of forms and functions.
The visit followed by a workshop addresses the following questions: What woods are used, where do they come from? Are they used for their solidity, their lightness, their colors, their veins, their smells, …? Are these woods valuable? What is the difference between carpentry and cabinet making? What other materials are found on this furniture? The visit is followed by a workshop.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Visit-workshop prices: €8/€6

Duration: 2 hours

17 Rue Victor Hugo

Friday, October 29 - 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit-workshop for children/teenagers

At table !

This visit whets the appetite! How did we eat in the past? What and who was the crockery on display at the museum used for? At the Vouland Museum, earthenware and porcelain bear witness to the tableware of high society in the 17th and 18th centuries. Invited to compare their habits with those in force in the different strata of society in the 17th and 18th centuries, the participants become aware that the objects correspond to evolving uses and lifestyles. They also discover the new taste for tea, coffee and chocolate, which were hitherto unknown in Europe. Visit followed by a plate decorating workshop.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Visit-workshop prices: €8/€6

Duration: 2 hours

17 Rue Victor Hugo

Friday, October 29 at 4:30 p.m.

Guided tour of the 17th-18th century decorative arts collection

Guided tour of the collections of the Vouland museum acquired by the agrifood industrialist Louis Vouland (Noves, 1883 – Avignon, 1973) who was passionate about the Decorative Arts of the 17th and 18th centuries. His rich collection of furniture, earthenware, porcelain, tapestries, clocks, Chinese art objects is presented in his former home. This intimate museum promotes understanding of the spirit of the 18th century.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79
Guided tour rates: €8/€6

Duration: 1h30
17 Rue Victor-Hugo

Sunday October 31 – 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Halloween: Murder party at the Vouland museum!

Do you want to discover the Vouland museum while having fun? For Halloween, come shiver with a Murder party...

"Murder party" booklet available at reception, included in the museum entrance fee.

Not recommended for children under 13.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79
Entrance fees to the museum, exhibition and garden: €6/€4
Estimated duration: 50 min.
17 Rue Victor-Hugo

Thursday November 04 - 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The spirit of the 18th century, evocation of the destinies of women in the Age of Enlightenment


This visit evokes the destinies of 18th century women based on objects from the collection. A bond of familiarity with the 18th century is created through these women with very dissimilar lives. Thanks to them, the participants wonder about the place and role of women in 18th century French society and discover the collection of decorative arts from a different perspective. The visit is followed by a workshop.


On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Guided tour rates: €8/€6 

Duration: 1h30

17 Rue Victor Hugo

Friday, November 05 - 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Conversation and correspondence in the 18th century


The intimate atmosphere of the Vouland museum and the furniture dedicated to writing exhibited there introduce participants to the spirit of the 18th century. Desks, secretaries, happiness of the day, writing desk, remind us that the art of correspondence extended that of conversation in the salons of the 18th century. The discovery of the furniture and familiar objects of the salons where we met around women of culture, allows the participants to better understand the world of the Enlightenment which will lead to the Revolution.

This visit can be extended by a writing workshop around correspondence.


On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Guided tour rates: €8/€6 

Duration: 1h30

17 Rue Victor Hugo


Saturday October 23 - 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday happiness Notebooks at the Vouland Museum

Writing workshops led by Isabelle Ronzier

You who go to the Vouland museum, seized by the charm of the place and the beauty of the decorative art objects, you sit under the trees of the garden, lulled by the murmur of the fountain and the buzzing of the bees...

Take the time to experience a season of writing at the Museum

A museum of decorative arts: experimenting with a sketchbook through writing
A charming museum: create a gallery of characters from a chosen literary corpus
A garden museum: writing a diary through the seasons

Each writing proposal will be enlightened by the view of the museum's mediator on the works and the places. No prerequisites, all feathers, all languages are welcome. No form will be imposed. Feedback, individualized, can be made at the request of the participants.

The texts produced may be recorded and played back during Museum Night.

It is advisable to register in advance, the workshops being limited to 12 participants. The health pass will be required as long as it is in force. 

12 people maximum per workshop - 1 Saturday per month (2:30 p.m.-5 p.m.):

September 25, 2021 / October 23, 2021 / November 20, 2021 / December 18, 2021 / January 22, 2022 / February 19, 2022 / March 19, 2022 / April 23, 2022 / May 21, 2022

Rate :

1 workshop 20€

Package 3 workshops: 50€

Year package: €120, payable in three instalments



admission to the museum €6 / €4. It is advisable to subscribe to the   Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum (€27). The card allows you to benefit from unlimited admission to the museum, and thus offers the possibility of coming to the museum or the garden to write, rest, meditate, observe nature, take the time to live.

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Sunday October 24 at 4 p.m.

Guided tour of the "Marcel Dumont Alpilles" exhibition

By Odile Guichard, curator-director of the Vouland Museum.

This exhibition celebrates the   centenary of the birth of the painter Marcel Dumont (1921-1998). Designed as a diptych, it unfolds in Avignon at the Vouland museum and in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence at the Alpilles museum.

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 12 years old): 2€
Duration: 1h30
17 Rue Victor-Hugo

As part of the Italian week in Avignon

Tuesday 12 October - 2.30 p.m. - Guided tour

Louis Vouland (1883 - 1973), agri-food industrialist, developed a passion in the 20th century for the decorative arts of the 17th and 18th centuries.
This visit stops on objects of its collection which come from Italy like the majolica of Casteldurante, Urbino or Faenza, whose influence gave rise to the technical term of ceramics "earthenware". Earthenware is particularly well represented at the Vouland museum by famous pieces from Moustiers and Marseille, but also from Delft, Nevers, Lyon, Montpellier. In addition to ceramics, this will be an opportunity to dwell on certain French pieces of furniture to evoke what distinguishes them or brings them closer to contemporary Italian productions.

Price: 4€

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

As part of the Provençal week in Avignon

Saturday 9 October - 2.30 p.m. - Reading

"History of the dead king who descended the river / Istòri dóu rèi mort qu'anavo à la desciso', Reading of the poem by Mas-Felipe Delavouët: presentation of the text, reading in Provençal and in French, by Céline Magrini, doctor of letters.


An event proposed by Parlaren Païs d'Avignoun and Provença Terra d'Oc - IEO 84.

Price: Free and solidarity participation

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /
We leave our reserve
Temporary exhibition

June 18 - September 26, 2021

Émile Loubon, Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean-Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner.

Paintings & drawings – Provence - 19th & 20th centuries

This summer, the museum is displaying works from the 19th and 20th centuries from its reserves, which highlight the human figure. Portraits and genre scenes dialogue around three landscapes by Jean-Marie Fage which have just been added to the painting collection and a room devoted to the "albums"and paintings of Jean-Claude Imbert.


From the cafe in a village in Haute Provence to the interior of a silk mill in Vaucluse, from a view of Gordes to that of the interior of an Avignon farm, from a ceremonial portrait to a portrait more intimate, you will discover paintings and drawings related to Provence, and more particularly to Avignon and its surroundings.


Saturday September 25 - 4:30 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Saturday September 25 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the decorative arts collections

At table !

International Day of Gastronomy

This visit whets the appetite! How did we eat in the past? What and who were the dishes on display used for? At the Vouland museum, earthenware and porcelain bear witness to the tableware of high society in the 17th and 18th centuries. Invited to compare their habits with those in force in the different strata of society, visitors become aware that the objects correspond to evolving uses and lifestyles. They also discover the new taste for tea, coffee and chocolate, which were hitherto unknown in Europe. The visit continues in the garden with the tasting of syrups flavored with aromatic plants.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Wednesday, September 22 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the Vouland museum

Autumn comes out of its reserve

Everything is moving, the leaves are starting to change color, twirl and cover the ground, the seasons greet each other but everything remains in the garden of the Vouland museum. This visit leads to a closer look at biodiversity and the colors of autumn in resonance with the motifs of the decorative arts collections.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

European Heritage Days

Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September

"Heritage for all"

Saturday September 18 - from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Portrait, feature for feature? Visit commented by the curator

“If it is true that the portrait allows idealization, the resemblance must nevertheless dominate there; it is the ideal image of such and such a man, not the ideal image of man in general” wrote the German critic and theoretician Lessing in 1766. From drawn, engraved, sculpted and painted portraits of the 17th, 18th , 19th and 20th centuries, we will ask ourselves what a portrait is today, and what it could have been before the invention of photography.

Saturday September 18 - from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Behind the image, the place of womenGuided tour

It is the women from the 18th to the 20th century present in the museum who punctuate this visit. If most of them are evoked from their representation, some are from their creation or from objects that were made for them or belonged to them.

Sunday, September 19 - from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Amateur and curiousVisit commented by the curator

This visit is for all those curious who wish to discover the collection of decorative arts from the 17th and 18th centuries of Louis Vouland (1883-1973), an agrifood industrialist born in Noves, but also drawings and paintings from the 19th and 20th century of the exhibition “We leave our reserve! », the architecture and the garden of the museum. It is a question of bringing you some marks both on the history of the
district of the museum as well as on the Parisian cabinetmakers and earthenware factories of the 18th century, as much on portraits or genre scenes as on painters of the 19th and 20th centuries who worked in Provence.

Sunday September 19 - 6 p.m.

In Provence in the footsteps of Bosco Reading

by Jean-François Jung, photographer and Philippe Chauché, journalist and author

This work-album plays the game of a on board of the writer through the "terroir": romantic excerpts from Henri Bosco alongside photographs that seem to "give"South side… But along the way the image of a country other than Provence emerges: it does not differ from it, but reveals itself to be a territory of the mind, an interior country, a land of poetry… This world has its bearings: what Bosco name itmoral website for example, conjunction of the elementary flows of the place, conducive to the mooring of man and hishouse. The reading will approach others: the terminals, the threshold, the signs, the presences... And thefoyer, embodied in the hearth and in the lamps, which constitute it facing the night.

Saturday and Sunday September 18 and 19 - 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Murder party at the Vouland museum! Children, adults, families

The museum offers various documents, game trails, “first visit” trails or visit booklets that allow you to discover the museum, the exhibition and the garden at your own pace, seriously or while having fun. How about a murder party in the heart of the post-war period (1939-1945)?

On registration. Free and joint participation.

Reservations: 04 90 86 03 79 -

Health pass required:

- complete vaccination (2 doses + 15 days / 1 injection without booster)

- negative PCR test less than 72 hours old

- negative antigen test within 48 hours


Sunday August 29 - 6 p.m.

Lights on women from the 18th century to the present day

Reading in the garden by Clémence Cotte, Odile Guichard, Coline Robert

“I tell you this story to prove to you how much the passion for painting was innate in me. This passion never waned; I even believe that it has only increased over time because, even today, I feel all its charm, which I hope will only end with my life”.

          Mme Vigée-Lebrun


This three-voice reading invites you to discover the thoughts of women from the Age of Enlightenment to the present day, having taken up the pen to tell their story. The gaze of men accompanies the anecdotes, reflections on work and the poetic prose written by these remarkable women. Music mingles with words. Texts by Mme de Genlis, Mme Vigée-Lebrun, M. Wandelaincourt, George Sand, Rosa Bonheur, Berthe Morisot, etc.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

And free and joint participation

Reservations: 04 90 86 03 79 -

(80 places)


Friday August 27 - 8:30 p.m.

Baroque Ufo Concert

Emmanuelle Dauvin, violinist and multi-instrumentalist, will play works by HIF Biber, JS Bach, Telemann and JP von Westhoff in the garden of the Vouland Museum. On this occasion, the musician will present her new album L'ovni baroque. Emmanuelle Dauvin is inspired by the musical practice of Nikolaus Bruhns, a 17th century violinist who accompanied himself on the pedalboard of the organ. The music appears, in its most transparent and intense purity.

Full price: €14, reduced price: €10

Reservations: 04 90 86 03 79 -

(80 places)

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Tuesday August 24 - 3 p.m. -Visit-workshop with family, group or solo

Look for the little beast


Discover the museum from its "fauna" and observe the animals represented on the furniture and decorative art objects. How are they represented on tapestries, armchairs, furniture or earthenware plates from the 17th and 18th centuries? Are they realistic, stylized or imaginary? What animals can be observed in the museum garden throughout the seasons?

After the visit, create a plate decoration inspired by the observations made during the visit.


Duration: 1h30

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12 years old

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /


Wednesday August 25 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Sunday August 22 - 6 p.m. -Reading

"Chekhov and Music"

Musical reading by Jacques Roehrich in the garden of the Vouland museum.

An event organized in partnership with the D&D endowment fund and the Trace de poet festival.


Rates: Free and solidarity participation


Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79​​


Wednesday August 18 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the collections

Collection of decorative arts from the 17th and 18th centuries

Guided tour of the collections of the Vouland museum acquired by the agrifood industrialist Louis Vouland (Noves, 1883 – Avignon, 1973) who was passionate about the Decorative Arts of the 17th and 18th centuries. His rich collection of furniture, earthenware, porcelain, tapestries, clocks, Chinese art objects is presented in his former home. This intimate museum promotes understanding of the spirit of the 18th century.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Tuesday August 17 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Wednesday August 11 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Tuesday August 10 - 4 p.m. -Visit-workshop of the collections

with family, group or solo

Lend me your pen !

In the 18th century, salon conversations, correspondence, speeches, essays, memoirs, animate cultural, literary and philosophical life. This visit embellished with readings brings the furniture back to life, from the writing desk to the happiness of the day, and evokes writing through the art of correspondence. “My daughter, […] our letters are conversations; I speak to you and you answer me”. Madame de Sévigné to Madame de Grignan. The visit is followed by a writing workshop.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Wednesday 04 August - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the collections

Crossed destinies of 18th century women

Madame du Barry, Madame Favart, Pierrette Candelot, known as "the Widow Perrin", Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, present in the collections, invite us to enter the intimacy and the spirit of the 18th century, from Versailles to Marseille by way of by the Parisian scenes.

An immersion in the atmosphere of 18th century interiors.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Wednesday July 28 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Tuesday 03 August - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Tuesday July 27 - 4 p.m. -Visit-workshop of the collections

with family, group or solo

Lend me your pen !

In the 18th century, salon conversations, correspondence, speeches, essays, memoirs, animate cultural, literary and philosophical life. This visit embellished with readings brings the furniture back to life, from the writing desk to the happiness of the day, and evokes writing through the art of correspondence. “My daughter, […] our letters are conversations; I speak to you and you answer me”. Madame de Sévigné to Madame de Grignan. The visit is followed by a writing workshop.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Wednesday July 21 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the collections

Collection of decorative arts from the 17th and 18th centuries

Guided tour of the collections of the Vouland museum acquired by the agrifood industrialist Louis Vouland (Noves, 1883 – Avignon, 1973) who was passionate about the Decorative Arts of the 17th and 18th centuries. His rich collection of furniture, earthenware, porcelain, tapestries, clocks, Chinese art objects is presented in his former home. This intimate museum promotes understanding of the spirit of the 18th century.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Tuesday July 20 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Wednesday July 14, 2021 - 2:30 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Baroque UFO in the museum

Violinist and multi-instrumentalist, Emmanuelle Dauvin is inspired by the musical practice of Nikolaus Bruhns, a 17th century violinist who accompanied himself on the pedalboard of the organ. The violinist will play in the decorative arts collections during small musical sequences at 2:30 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. She will also present her album The baroque UFO released recently.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Tuesday July 13, 2021 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the temporary exhibition

We leave our reserve

Visit of the temporary exhibition We leave our reserve.

Presentation of paintings and graphic arts centered on the human figure, portraits and genre scenes, by painters linked to Provence (Dominique Papety, Pierre Grivolas, Charles Vionnet, Clément Brun, Eugène Martel, Louis-Agricol Montagné, François Omer, Jean -Claude Imbert, Jean-Marie Fage, Michel Steiner) from the collections of the Vouland museum kept in reserve.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /

Tuesday July 6, 2021 - 4 p.m. -Guided tour of the collections

Crossed destinies of 18th century women

Madame du Barry, Madame Favart, Pierrette Candelot, known as &quot;the Widow Perrin&quot;, Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, present in the collections, invite us to enter the intimacy and the spirit of the 18th century, from Versailles to Marseille by way of by the Parisian scenes.

An immersion in the atmosphere of 18th century interiors.

Full price: €8, reduced price: €6, €2 for children under 12

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79 /
European Night of Museums
Saturday July 3, 2021, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Free attendance
For the 17th edition of the European Night of Museums, objects from the 17th-18th century decorative arts collections come out of their silence and express themselves... Listen or watch (by flashing QR-codes) the productions of 4th grade students produced during theatrical writing workshops as part of educational projects led by a literature teacher in partnership with the Vouland museum. A soundscape accompanies these short stories, the objects come to life and express themselves.

Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 June 2021: Rendez-vous aux jardins weekend

We will show you the history of this garden thought of as a significant extension of the collections, its management in favor of biodiversity and its many varieties of plants.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

You don't know anything about it?

Rest assured with these words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the 18th century philosopher thought that "one could be a very great Botanist without knowing a single plant by name." He was "convinced that at any age the study of nature dulls the taste for frivolous amusements, prevents the tulmute of passions and brings to the soul a nourishment which benefits it by filling it with the most worthy object of its contemplations."

June 20, 2020 - January 3, 2021: Exhibition "Jean-Marie Fage, I paint what I see" extended until June 6, 2021 and renamed "We haven't seen everything yet!".
From his childhood on the banks of the Sorgue to the Luberon, where he has lived for more than forty years, Jean-Marie Fage consistently builds a work that invites silent contemplation.

View or review (below):
  • the exhibition trailer
  • Jean-Marie Fage's painting through the eyes of his children
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Saturday May 29 - 4 p.m. - Draw for the FAGE raffle / Vouland Museum "We haven't seen everything yet!"
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We offer you a friendly moment in the garden for the draw of the 20 prizes to be won. You don't have your ticket yet? Click here
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Please note that the gauge is limited, the entrance will be via the garden rue Annanelle and does not give access to the museum
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Does not give access to the museum
TOMBOLA click here to see the results
Visit-workshop of the Decorative Arts collection of the 17th and 18th centuries from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Wednesday October 28: Look for the little beast!

Thursday, October 30: What kind of wood are you made of?

/! \ CANCELED /! \ Friday October 23: Create your decorative composition

Look for the little beast!

This workshop-visit invites children to discover the museum from “its fauna”, to observe the animals represented on the furniture and decorative arts objects from the 17th and 18th centuries. From the stuffed specimens and realistic, stylized or imaginary little animals hidden in the furniture, earthenware and tapestries decorations of the permanent collections, the young visitors create a decoration of plates in the style of earthenware makers. This visit-workshop makes children aware of life, biodiversity and the role of these animals in our ecosystem.

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What wood are you made of?

After having discovered exceptional furniture (secretary, happiness of the day, Dutch cabinet ...) and having familiarized themselves with the woods that constitute them, the children create an ornamental motif, inspired by the floral decoration of 18th century marquetry. century. shady samples of wood to distinguish the different species.

Create your decorative composition!

This activity proposes to imagine a decoration from the observations made during the visit in the former residence of the collector Louis Vouland among the inlaid furniture, the interior objects and the tapestries. With a material approach, by touching and manipulating the shapes and patterns they create during the workshop, the children invent a visual universe with exotic shapes reminiscent of that of stylized nature in the decorations of Decorative Arts pieces XVII and eighteenth centuries.

Workshop inside the museum,

Visits-workshops from 7 years old (wearing a mask compulsory from 11 years old)

Price: 8 €

Reservation required on 04 90 86 03 79

You can also make an appointment at other times, including outside opening hours (price: 10 € / child).

Tuesday October 27 - 2:30 p.m. - Guided tour of the collections
/! \ POSTPONED /! \
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Visit the Vouland Museum and explore themes that resonate with our new experiences in these times of health crisis such as "living", "the 5 senses", "private space-public space", "moving" ... echoing the museum-residence.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
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Saturday November 14th -3pm- Cycle "Artist's Words"
Meeting with Yves Müller, photographer.
/! \ POSTPONED /! \
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“The ultimate and true subject of my heliographic research over the past thirty-five years is photography itself. "

Yves muller

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Whether they nestle in a bundle of archives, the erosion of a cut stone, an imprint, the hollow of a bed, time and memory permeate Yves Muller's photographs. His images, sensitive fragments of condensed time, open a series of metamorphoses, double meanings, signs or reversals, which invite contemplation and reverie.
Yves Muller shares his life between Cologne and Avignon, whose photographic work reveals a hidden side.
During this meeting, he will present his work in his new workshop located in the heart of Avignon.

Meeting at the museum, for a meeting in the artist's studio

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On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 6 € | Reduced € 4 + Free & solidarity participation
Saturday November 14 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. The European Night of Museums

/! \ CANCELED /! \

Guided tours 5:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m.
Jean-Marie FAGE "I paint what I see".
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“Today art can afford to forsake the anecdote for the most part. This open door to the quest for beauty exists, without which we would not be moved, combative, or alive. ""
Jean-Marie Fage
Jean -Marie Fage is 95 years old. He painted since his childhood At two years old, he lost an eye and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, he met René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque who confirmed his desire to become an artist. In 1950, he left L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue for Paris where, alongside painting, he worked as an architect, his second job for twenty-five years. In 1963, he returned to Vaucluse in search of light and "patterns". His research on space and color takes him from landscapes to workshops, from figuration to compositions bordering on abstraction. His last years, in his studio in the middle of the vines, he painted large figurative compositions that take on a Symbolist dimension.
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Reservation essential (group ≤ 10 people or limited according to the evolution of the sanitary measures)

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Free participation

with Sonia Garcia Tahar, professor at the college of Mourion (Villeneuve-les-Avignon)
Presentation of the workshop work done at the museum by 4th year students.
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How to transform an educational project into a period of confinement?
It is May 16, 1788. M. and Mme d'Uzège have a salon with a few friends. Between two jokes, we remake the world and science ... But anger roars among the servants.
For a night at the museum under the stars of May, the 4th2 students of the college of Mourion (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon) were to take us to a mansion, on the eve of the Revolution. They had to interpret at the museum the texts they had written from the 18th century collections. of the museum.
The confinement forced them to invent another form to express the beginnings of the Revolution from their texts, animated films.
Some of these films, full of humor, are presented by their professor of letters Sonia Garcia Tahar during this autumnal museum night, which also recounts the progress of their writing work and the necessary adaptation.
In partnership with Le Mourion college in Villeneuve-lez-Avignon.
Project accompanied by teachers Sonia Garcia Tahar, Stéphanie Horard and Armelle Dumont and actor Loïc Beauché (Cie Kronope)
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Reservation essential (group ≤ 10 people or limited according to the evolution of the measures)

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Free participation

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WhatsApp Image 2020-07-25 at
Workshop visit of the exhibition from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday October 21: Self-portrait with a green background?
Thursday, October 22: The mystery of the Sorgue
Friday October 23: Table in the table
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After a visit to the Jean-Marie Fage exhibition "I paint what I see" , children are invited to create during a thematic workshop.
More info on the themes:

Self-portrait with a green background?

Workshop around the self-portrait: children discover and observe the various self-portraits of Jean-Marie Fage (framing, pose, gaze, point of view, format, technique, composition, decor, accessories, etc.) before having fun creating their self-portrait, from a selfie or self-portrait to a figure of invention. Children can come with pictures of themselves or other people (to transform them)!

The mystery of the Sorgue

Jean-Marie Fage was born on the banks of the Sorgue. From his childhood, he saw the world as a poet, and since his meeting with René Char in 1948, he has always been surrounded by poet friends with whom he has illustrated collections of poetry. Children are invited either to illustrate poems, or to play with words and poetic extracts, to compose an album of images - poems that combine writing, drawing and collage.

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Table in table

Children are invited to discover the paintings of Jean-Marie Fage in which paintings are represented, but also the motifs that are repeated in his illustrations of poems and in his paintings. In the workshop, they create stencils inspired by the exhibition or the flora of the garden, and imagine a composition.

From 7 years old

Price: 8 €

Children over 11 must wear the mask during the visit.

Reservations on 04 90 86 03 79

You can also make an appointment at other times, including outside opening hours (price: 10 € / child).

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Tuesday October 20 - 5 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The exhibition presents around a hundred works by Jean-Marie Fage, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. This visit focuses on Jean-Marie Fage's links with Provence, from his childhood and youth in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue to his maturity around Lacoste, through the landscapes of the Monts de Vaucluse. This is an opportunity to recall his participation in Candelié and the Group of 13, his meeting with René Char, his friendship with Auguste Chabaud, and to discover through painting the outdoor motifs favored by the artist from Vaucluse.

As part of the week of Provence

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On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-08 at
  •   Saturday 10 am to 4 pm: "Laughter and gaiety" (Report of the EHD)

READING - Clémence Cotte - Jeanne Duprat - Amélie Pierre - Coline Robert.


"Notice a great flaw in ordinary education: we put all the pleasure on one side, and all the boredom on the other […] Let us therefore try to change this order, make the study pleasant." Fenelon


“The only real source of knowledge is sensation. » Condillac


This reading for four voices spans the Age of Enlightenment, from the 17th to the 19th century, with a choice of texts that express or testify to different conceptions of education. In counterpoint, punctuations of contemporary texts.

Texts by Fénelon, Rousseau, Condillac, Madame de Maintenon, Madame de Genlis, Madame Vigée-Lebrun ...

Prices 6 € / 4 €
Free for children under 12

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On registration at 04 90 86 03 79


Saturday October 17 -2:30 p.m. Guided tour of the exhibition

Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
To be (very) old in 2020!
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This Saturday, October 17, 2020, Jean-Marie Fage is 95 years old.

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This visit evokes the career of an artist born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue in 1925. It is the decisive encounters of his youth, in particular René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque, which confirm his desire to become an artist and led him to settle in Paris in 1950. He then became a collaborator with an architect, his second job for twenty-five years. In 1963, he returned to Vaucluse with his wife and four children, to L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Avignon, then Goult where for more than forty he has devoted himself to painting, living in the countryside. It is about evoking the course of an artist who at 95 years old retains his capacity for wonder and transcribes reality with poetry.

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On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Saturday October 17 - 4:30 p.m. - Cross-readings of Artists' Words
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On the occasion of the publication of the 100th volume of the Paroles d'Artiste collection, we are highlighting this series of pocket-sized monographic works through cross-readings of the words of Francis Bacon to Wols, and new titles devoted to Michel- Ange, Marie Laurencin, Giorgio de Chirico, René Magritte, Mark Rothko, or Nicolas de Staël!

Titles imagined and published by Fage éditions as so many doors open to the universe of an artist, offering facing thirty reproductions of representative works and quotes taken from an interview, a correspondence or 'a writing by the artist himself.

Artist's words cycle

On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 6 € | Reduced 4 €

Wednesday October 7 - 5 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The exhibition presents around a hundred works by Jean-Marie Fage, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. This visit focuses on Jean-Marie Fage's links with Provence, from his childhood and youth in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue to his maturity around Lacoste, through the landscapes of the Monts de Vaucluse. This is an opportunity to recall his participation in Candelié and the Group of 13, his meeting with René Char, his friendship with Auguste Chabaud, and to discover through painting the outdoor motifs favored by the artist from Vaucluse.

As part of the week of Provence

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On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Free & Solidarity P articipation

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/! \ POSTPONED TO TUESDAY 6 OCTOBER -6 p.m. - Meeting with

Geneviève Gleize, photographer

Geneviève Gleize surveys, examines and photographs abandoned places, factory, prison, house, business, theater. His gaze modestly captures the depth of time contained in the places and their materials. His photographs reveal the traces of the activity and the passage of men, his attention to light and his framing, the plastic qualities of the stigmata of abandonment.

When Geneviève Gleize looks at the living, she empathizes with the grace of a gesture or a fleeting expression.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Free & solidarity participation

Capture d’écran 2020-09-17 à
Saturday October 3 - 4:30 p.m. - "François Royers de la Valfenière, architect in Avignon in the 17th century"
Conference by Alain Breton, curator of Antiquities and Objects of Art of Vaucluse.

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Alain Breton, architectural historian, examines the projects, achievements and life of the 17th century architect from Avignon, François de Royers de La Valfenière (1575-1667).

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As part of the week of Provence
On reservation 04 90 86 03 79

Price 6 € / Reduced 4 € / Free child - 12 years old and Free & solidarity participation

© photographMartineAudibert

Friday September 25 - 2:30 p.m. - Guided tour of the collections
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Visit the Vouland Museum and explore themes that resonate with our new experiences in these times of health crisis such as "living", "the 5 senses", "private space-public space", "moving" ... echoing the museum-residence.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Tuesday September 22 - 5.30 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
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This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation (group limited to 10 people)

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
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European Heritage Days
"Heritage and education: learning for life!"
at the Vouland Museum
September 19 & 20, 2020 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
free & solidarity participation

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Decorative Arts of the 17th and 18th centuries | Jean-Marie Fage exhibition "I paint what I see" | Garden | Visits | Guests

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  • /! \ POSTPONED /! \ Saturday 19 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm: "Crafts and transmission of knowledge and know-how"



Marc Angosto - Christophe Omnes - Jean Gallon - Giovanni Taormina, four craftsmen - restorers, present their trades and their career, from their initial training to today in relation to the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries of the museum.


Can the transmission of knowledge and know-how in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries be compared to that enjoyed by the craftsmen who produced the objects and furniture in the collections of the Vouland museum in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

Marc Angosto and Christophe Omnes, carpenters-cabinetmakers, around woodworking techniques; Jean Gallon, sheather, around leather techniques; Giovanni Taormina, restorer of paintings, around painting techniques.


The meetings take place in the museum garden.

The next day, Sunday September 20 at 2:30 p.m., you will be able to follow a tour of the collections focusing on the question of trades and education in the 17th and 18th centuries.


On registration at 04 90 86 03 79

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  • Saturday 19 from 5 pm to 6.30 pm: “From father to son and daughter !? "

Visit of the exhibition with the children of the painter Jean-Marie Fage


“I was doing portraits, if it looked like it, I thought it was right, and since I didn't have a teacher, it replaced the teacher. "


How did this child born on the banks of the Sorgue in 1925 become a painter? Teenager, Jean-Marie Fage recycled the plaster bags of his mason father to paint his first canvases, portraits, landscapes and color copies of black and white reproductions given to him by his neighbor teacher. Then a succession of meetings confirms his vocation as a painter. His four children, meanwhile, grew up with painting, art and poetry. For them, visiting a museum or an exhibition with the family was as natural as going to the market! What heritage does this familiarity with the art world give them? Discovery of the Jean-Marie Fage exhibition "I paint what I see" in the company of the painter's children, adults ...

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On registration at 04 90 86 03 79

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  • /! \ POSTPONED /! \ Saturday 19 at 19h: "Laughter and gaiety"

READING Sylvie Durbec - Clémence Cotte - Jeanne Duprat - Coline Robert


"Notice a great flaw in ordinary education: we put all the pleasure on one side, and all the boredom on the other […] So let's try to change this order, let's make the study pleasant." Fenelon


“The only real source of knowledge is sensation. » Condillac


This reading for four voices spans the Age of Enlightenment, from the 17th to the 19th century, with a choice of texts that express or testify to different conceptions of education. In counterpoint, punctuations of contemporary texts.

Texts by Fénelon, Rousseau, Condillac, Madame de Maintenon, Madame de Genlis, Madame Vigée-Lebrun ...

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On registration at 04 90 86 03 79

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

  • Sunday 20 from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m .: "Transmission and filiation"

Guided tour of the 17th and 18th century Decorative Arts collections / Odile Guichard

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This visit evokes the journey of people, cabinetmaker, painter, actress, ... such as Pierre Migeon IV, Jean-Baptiste Tuart, Joseph Vernet, Pierrette Candelot known as the widow Perrin, Justine Favart, from the perspective of parentage and transmission knowledge and know-how, from the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries.

It is also an opportunity to pay tribute to Louis Vouland (1883-1973), an agro-food industrialist from Noves, and a passionate collector.

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On registration at 04 90 86 03 79

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  • Sunday 20 from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm: "What the first glance does not see"

Workshop visit from 7 years old

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At the museum, you can discover a hundred paintings by Jean-Marie Fage who is now 94 years old. From childhood, he was sensitive to the arts and poetry. We will show you a painting he made as a child… As a young man, Jean-Marie Fage meets the poet René Char who encourages him to become a painter. Since then, he enjoys collaborating with his poet friends whose company he enjoys in life and the collections of poems he illustrates.

“Swift with too wide wings which turns and shouts its joy around the house. This is the heart. » René Char, 1947.

After discovering Jean-Marie Fage's painting in the museum, have fun illustrating a poem in the company of the birds in the garden.

The workshops take place in the museum garden.

Participants are invited to bring their drawing and / or painting materials.

You can also discover Jean-Marie Fage's painting with the booklet “Discover the exhibition! "

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On registration at 04 90 86 03 79

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  • Sunday 20 at 5 p.m .: Carte blanche to Raphaël Thierry

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Raphaël Thierry is a multidisciplinary artist. Golden Dragon from the Met School of Graphic Arts in Penninghen in 1994, resident at the Villa Medici, Académie de France in Rome, in 2005 and 2006, he produced multiple exhibitions and performances. Graphic designer (artistic director / author-illustrator) and plastic artist (painter, sculptor, performer), he declines his artistic practice under several identities which probe reality and its representation, sign and abstraction, the materialization of the path of thought . Since 2008, he has been working in tandem with Christian Volckman for four-handed films and performances after having been Rapharty, author-illustrator of the adventures of Superdog, children's books.

How are training, relationship to heritage at the Villa Medici in Rome, and vocation as an artist articulated?


Quo vadis , lattice sculpture, plaster, metal, 2020 at the Vouland Museum

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On registration at 04 90 86 03 79

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Tuesday September 15 at 2:30 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
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This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Sunday September 13 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Saturday September 12 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the collections

Visit the Vouland Museum and explore themes that resonate with our new experiences in these times of health crisis such as "living", "the 5 senses", "private space-public space", "moving" ... echoing the museum-residence.

On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Tuesday September 8 at 5.30 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
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Thursday September 3 at 2:30 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
by Odile Guichard, co-curator of the exhibition
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Odile Guichard, curator of the museum and friend of the artist, will present the works of this poet painter, of which more than twenty fit harmoniously into the intimate atmosphere of the museum-residence.

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Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue in 1925, faithful to his region of origin and more particularly in Lubéron, he develops research on space which he breaks down and reconstructs into sets of planes and chromatic harmonies.

By reservation (group limited to 20 people)

FREE for Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
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See the AMLV program: click here
Sunday August 30 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Friday August 28 and Saturday August 29 at 8:30 p.m. - La Voix humaine by Jean Cocteau
Full text interpreted by Catherine Alías
Directed by Pascal Joumier
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A woman on the phone with her dear and tender love for one last conversation ...
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In the garden of the Louis Vouland Museum

Entrance 14 rue d'Annanelle
Reservation recommended on 06 10 45 53 89
Full price: 13 €
Reduced price: € 7

Cycle visit-workshop of the exhibition from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Thursday August 27: Self-portrait with a green background?
Friday August 28: The mystery of the Sorgue
Saturday August 29: Table in the table
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After a visit to the Jean-Marie Fage exhibition "I paint what I see" , children are invited to create during a thematic workshop in the museum's garden, in the shade of the maple tree.
More info on the themes:

Starting from 7 years old
Price per day / per person: 8 €
Mask compulsory from 11 years old
Reservations on 04 90 86 03 79
And by appointment for groups of more than 5 children
(even outside opening hours)
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Wednesday August 26 at 8:30 p.m. - CONCERT "C'est dans mes cords"
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The Primrose Ensemble hosted at the Vouland Museum in the Sous les étoiles cycle in 2018 and 2019 is a variable geometry ensemble, modulated around the viola. This summer we will find Pierre-Henri Xuereb on the viola and artistic direction, Christophe Giovaninetti on the violin and Philippe Muller on the cello in quintet with Marc Viellefon on the violin and Ruixin Niu on the viola.

This program takes us on a journey through musical Europe from the 18th to the 20th century in the garden of the Vouland museum with the facade of Louis Vouland's mansion (1883-1973) as the backdrop.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Information and reservations: 04 90 86 03 79
Free participation
Entrance through the garden: gate n ° 14 rue d'Annanelle
Don't forget your mask.
Press release
Wednesday August 26 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Sunday 23 August at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Wednesday August 19 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the collections
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Visit the Vouland Museum accompanied by a mediator and explore themes that resonate with our new experiences in these times of health crisis such as “living”, “the 5 senses”, “private space-public space”, “moving around” ... echoing the museum-residence.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Tuesday August 18 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - Visit-Workshop of the exhibition
Table in table
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Children are invited to discover the paintings of Jean-Marie Fage in which paintings are represented, but also the motifs that are repeated in his illustrations of poems and in his paintings. In the workshop, they create stencils inspired by the exhibition or the flora of the garden, and imagine a composition.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Reservation recommended on 04 90 86 03 79
Price: 8 €
Sunday August 16 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Wednesday August 12 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Tuesday August 11 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - Visit-Workshop of the exhibition
The mystery of the Sorgue
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Jean-Marie Fage was born on the banks of the Sorgue. From his childhood, he saw the world as a poet, and since his meeting with René Char in 1948, he has always been surrounded by poet friends with whom he has illustrated collections of poetry. Children are invited either to illustrate poems, or to play with words and poetic extracts, to compose an album of images - poems that combine writing, drawing and collage.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Reservation recommended on 04 90 86 03 79
Price: 8 €
Sunday August 9 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist. After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty years he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation (group limited to 10 people)

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
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Wednesday August 5 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the collections
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Visit the Vouland Museum accompanied by a mediator and explore themes that resonate with our new experiences in these times of health crisis such as “living”, “the 5 senses”, “private space-public space”, “moving around” ... echoing the museum-residence.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79 (group limited to 10 people)
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Tuesday August 4 at 8:30 p.m. - CONCERT Music fair in the garden
Baroque program
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Olivia Gutherz on the viola da gamba, Josepha Jégard on the violin and Martin Tembremande on the harpsichord draw us into the European musical universe around 1700 in correspondence with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries sheltered behind the wide facade at the end. 19th century mansion of Louis Vouland (1883-1973) in the garden of the former Dominican convent.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Information and reservations: 04 90 86 03 79
Free participation
Entrance through the garden gate No. 14 street Annanelle
Press release
Tuesday 04 August from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - Visit-Workshop of the exhibition
Self-portrait with a green background?
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Workshop around the self-portrait: children discover and observe the various self-portraits of Jean-Marie Fage (framing, pose, gaze, point of view, format, technique, composition, decor, accessories, etc.) before having fun creating their self-portrait, from the selfie self-portrait, to a figure of invention.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Reservation recommended on 04 90 86 03 79
Price: 8 €
Sunday August 2 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation (group limited to 10 people)

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Guided tours of the collections
In July at 4 p.m.
Friday 3, Sunday 12, Friday 17, Sunday 26 and Friday 31 July
Visit the Vouland Museum accompanied by a mediator and explore themes that resonate with our new experiences in these times of health crisis such as “living”, “the 5 senses”, “private space-public space”, “moving around” ... echoing the museum-residence.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79 (group limited to 10 people)
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Guided tours of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In July at 4 p.m.
Wednesday 1, Saturday 4, Wednesday 8, Saturday 11, Wednesday 15, Saturday 18, Wednesday 22, Wednesday 29 July
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This exhibition presents around a hundred works, including twenty in the museum-residence for an unprecedented and fertile dialogue with the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries. Jean-Marie Fage is 94 years old. He never stopped seeing the world as a poet and painting. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, he lost one eye as a child and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, meetings with René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque confirmed his desire to become an artist After a few years in Paris, he returned to Vaucluse, where for more than forty he has devoted himself to painting in his studio in the heart of nature. From landscapes to workshops, Jean-Marie Fage develops research on the space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of plans and on chromatic harmonies.

By reservation (group limited to 10 people)

Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2

Tuesday July 28 at 5 p.m. - Meeting with Raphaël Thierry, artist

An exchange at the Vouland museum with Raphaël Thierry.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Free participation

Thursday 23, Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 July at 9 p.m. - La Voix humaine by Jean Cocteau
Full text interpreted by Catherine Alías
Directed by Pascal Joumier
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
A woman on the phone with her dear and tender love for one last conversation ...
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In the garden of the Louis Vouland Museum

Entrance 14 rue d'Annanelle
Reservation recommended on 06 10 45 53 89
Full price: 13 €
Reduced price: € 7

Thursday 23, Friday 24, Saturday 25 July from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - Visit-workshop around the Jean-Marie Fage exhibition, "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Children discover and observe the works of Jean-Marie Fage to be inspired by their creation during the workshop
Thursday July 23: Self-portrait with a green background?
Friday July 24: The mystery of the Sorgue
Saturday July 25: Table in the table
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Reservation recommended on 04 90 86 03 79
Price: 8 €

Tuesday July 21 at 5 p.m. - ARTIST'S WORDS

Meeting with Gabriel Bonin, visual artist

Presentation of the artist's work in the garden of the Vouland Museum, followed by a studio visit at 5.30 p.m. Place Carnot.

The installations by Gabriel Bonin in the exhibition “Le tempspot” at the Vouland Museum in 2018 delighted visitors. More recently, it was the dances of "Folia" at the last winter solstice and "Datura" at the last summer solstice in the sky of the Place du Palais in Avignon that amazed passers-by.
Since 2016, his research has focused on matter, the limits of which he probes in its relations to space, time and light, between sky and earth. His “Uncultivated Plants” and “Folia” series revive abandoned plants and leaves.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79
6 € / 4 € / free (-13 years old)
Don't forget your mask.

Wednesday July 15 at 5 p.m. - ARTIST'S WORDS
Meeting with Raphaël Mognetti, sculptor

An exchange in the garden of the Vouland museum, around the profession of sculptor.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Free participation

Saturday July 11 at 6:30 p.m. - Odyssey under the maple tree
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Sylvie Durbec, poet, writer, translator and visual artist, brings together under the maple tree in the garden the young readers Clémence Cotte, Jeanne Duprat and Coline Robert, François Ridard, and Olivia Gutherz on the viola da gamba, for a journey into the epic of 'a hero, but above all of a man tending towards his return, from song I to song XII of the Odyssey.

Homer's Odyssey never ceases to resonate. A founding work of the Mediterranean world, it has nourished the imagination for more than twenty-five centuries. We will share with several voices extracts from Homer's work translated by the poet Philippe Jaccottet, punctuated by contemporary texts that enlighten them, and musical breaths.

By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79

Free participation

Entrance through the garden, 14 rue d'Annanelle

Sunday July 5 at 8:30 p.m. - CONCERT "Musique sur cour"
with ORAP
Wind quintet
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Flute: Nicole Libraire

Oboe: Frédérique Costantini

Bassoon: Arnaud Coïc

Clarinet: Didier Breuque

Horn: Eric Sombret

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Program :

Jacques Ibert: 3 short pieces

Ferenc Farkas, Ancient Hungarian Dances

Edward Grieg, Norwegian Dances

Charles Gounod, The Funeral March of a Puppet

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Free participation
Thursday July 2 at 8:30 p.m. - CONCERT "Musique sur cour" with ORAP
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Violin: Gabriella Kovaks

Double bass: Frédéric Bethune

Oboe: Frédérique Costantini

Harpsichordist: Elisa Barbessi

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Program :

Domenico Gallo, Trio Sonata in G major

H. Purcell, Sonata Of Four Parts No.5 in G major
A. Vivaldi, Trio Sonata Op1 n ° 2 in E minor

Giovanni Benedetto Platti, First sonata for harpsichord, Adagio and Presto

GF Telemann, Canon Sonata No. 1 in G major

G. F Telemann, Trio Sonata in E minor "from Tafelmusik"

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Free participation
Sunday June 28 at 4 p.m. - Guided tour of the collections
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Visit the Vouland Museum accompanied by a mediator and explore themes that resonate with our new experiences in these times of health crisis such as “living”, “the 5 senses”, “private space-public space”, “moving around” ... echoing the museum-residence.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
Wednesday 24 and Saturday 27 June at 4 p.m. - Visit of the exhibition
Jean-Marie Fage "I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Visit the Jean-Marie Fage exhibition, "I paint what I see" in the company of a mediator. Jean-Marie Fage has never ceased to see the world as a poet and to paint. Designer and colorist, he probes and transcribes reality. Born in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue in 1925, as a child, he lost an eye and nurtured an early sensitivity to the arts and poetry. As a young man, he met René Char, Auguste Chabaud and Georges Braque who confirmed his desire to become an artist. In the Luberon, where he has lived for more than forty years, he develops research on space that he deconstructs and recomposes in sets of planes and chromatic harmonies.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On registration: 04 90 86 03 79
Adult: 8 € | Reduced: 6 € | Child (- 13 years old): € 2
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Saturday June 20 - 2 p.m. - Opening of the exhibition "Jean-Marie Fage, I paint what I see"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
From June 20, the exhibition "Jean-Marie Fage, I paint what I see" opens its doors at the Vouland Museum. This is a reinvention of the exhibition that we were able to discover a week before the confinement at the Campredon art center in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue , where this painter from Vaucluse was born. in 1925.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
See presentation video
Friday June 19 at 4 p.m.
First meeting Words of artists
with Aurélien Gras, doctor of history
Around the subject of Justine Favart and the condition of musicians in the 18th century
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
By reservation on 04 90 86 03 79
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
See presentation video
Closed from March 13 to June 6, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
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Thursday March 12 - 5 p.m. - "Art Nouveau" conference
by Sylvie Toussaint
With the Friends of the Vouland Museum
In connection with the stay in Brussels, Sylvie Toussaint, art historian, talks about Art Nouveau at the Vouland Museum.

Price / person: Friends € 10 / Non Members € 15
Reservations at 06 18 22 36 22

Saturday February 22 - 2:30 p.m. - Visit of the collections

The spirit of the 18th century

Three destinies of women of the Age of Enlightenment

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Madame du Barry, Madame Favart, Pierrette Candelot, known as “the Veuve Perrin”, present in the collections, invite us to enter the intimacy and the spirit of the 18th century, from Versailles to Marseille via the Parisian scenes.

An immersion in the atmosphere of 18th century interiors.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6, € 2 for children under 13

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79
Friday February 14 - 5.30 p.m. - Soft tour of the collections

On the occasion of Valentine's Day, Coline Robert, mediator, invites you to spend a happy hour in a ... private hotel!

In a subdued atmosphere, she will make you (re) discover the Vouland museum, an 18th century house which houses many Decorative Arts objects, in a different light: that of secrecy with writing furniture conducive to letter writing and other sweet notes. . In the privacy of this place, the memory of several women of the Age of Enlightenment is preserved. This visit will make it possible to evoke the favorite of Louis XV, Mme du Barry who handled love potions and aphrodisiacs with grace. It is also an opportunity to present the star and sensual drink of the 18th century: hot chocolate.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6

Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79
From January 6 to 23, 2020
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
For groups and the school , most of the exhibition Jean-Claude Imbert, face to face , will remain on display until January 24, 2020. Take advantage of this short extension to request a guided tour, with Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition and Coline Robert , mediator.
Speech suitable for families.
Information and reservations on 04 90 86 03 79.
Sunday January 5, 2020 - 4 p.m. - Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the work and the man. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition and Coline Robert, mediator.
Speech suitable for families.
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15

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Thursday January 2, 2020 - 4 p.m. - Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the work and the man. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition and Coline Robert, mediator.
Speech suitable for families.
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15

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Since 2016, the Vouland Museum has participated in the Christmas Labyrinth, another way to prepare for Christmas in Avignon! Take advantage of the last weeks of the Imbert exhibition by participating in a guided tour or a workshop-visit (you can take your self-portrait!). Do not miss the exceptional reading by Denis Lavant and Raphaël Imbert which will immerse you in unpublished texts by the painter.
Children (and adults) can also come and sew with Sophie Mangin, drawing inspiration from the Decorative Arts collections.
18th century Provencal crib
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
This astonishing Provençal crib is once again included in the Decorative Arts collections of the 17th and 18th centuries, this year, for a strange dialogue with the work of Jean-Claude Imbert., Face to face.

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (6 € / 4 € / free-12 years old)

Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In December
Saturday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Tuesday 5 to 5.30 p.m., Thursday 26 to 4 p.m., Friday 27 to 5 p.m. and Saturday 28 December at 5 p.m.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the work and the man. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition and Coline Robert, mediator.
Speech suitable for families.

Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 December - 2:30 p.m.-5 p.m. - SELF-PORTRAIT workshop visit
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Visit-workshop around the self-portraits of Jean-Claude Imbert.

Offer your self-portrait!

From the age of 8 ; on reservation

participation 12 € / session by Odile Guichard and Coline Robert

Duration: 2h30

Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 December - 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. - Gardening workshop in the garden
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In 2018, the museum garden began its rebirth after major work in 2017 around the Canal de Vaucluse which crosses it.

During this AUTUMN gardening workshop, we will prepare the garden and its inhabitants for their winter sleep and the land for spring planting. It is also the moment to transplant and to try cuttings, if one relies on the saying "in Saint Catherine, all wood takes root".
How to participate ? Register on 04 90 86 03 79 and ask for the list of plants. Your tools are welcome as well as bulbs, cuttings and subjects to transplant. This workshop will be accompanied by tea!
Saturday December 7 and Sunday December 8
Sewing workshop "Tissus, fils et cie"
Choice of :
morning sessions: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or
afternoon sessions: 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
With Sophie Mangin
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Course of two mornings or two afternoons to learn how to use a sewing machine. Approach the basic techniques of sewing thanks to a creation inspired by the Decorative Arts collections of the museum.
On reservation - participation 44 € for the two half-days
from 9 years

Tuesday December 3 - 5 p.m. - Conference "The attractions of the treille"
or the history of wine in art
by Nathalie Schmitt
Organized by the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Conference 3 - Bins of wine: whatever the bottle as long as you are drunk. No, the bottles count! This is evidenced by their surprising diversity, their names which sing the sacred, poetry or laziness and already put the wine in the mouth ... A glance on the tables for a small evolution of glasses, decanters and bottles ...

Price / person: Friends 10 euros - Non Members 15 euros

Registration with Marie-Christine Marco at 06 18 22 36 22

Duration: 1h30

Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In November
Saturday 2 at 4 p.m., Tuesday 5 at 5.30 p.m. and Tuesday November 26 at 5.30 p.m.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the man and the work. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard curator and co-curator of the exhibition. Speech suitable for families.
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15

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Friday 22 November - 5 p.m. - Concert for solo violin
by Gabriella Kovacs, violin.

Program :
Georg Philipp Telemann, Fantaisies n ° 9 & 10
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Passacaglia - extract from the Rosary Sonatas
Jean Sebastien Bach, Chaconne from the Partita for solo violin no.2
Johann Georg Pisendel, Movements from the Sonata for solo violin
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
This concert is given at the Vouland Museum, as part of "When the Orchestra is having fun in the city!" , organized by the Orchester Régional Avignon-Provence.
Friday 22 November - 3.30 p.m. - Visit of the 18th century house
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Come and discover the furniture and decorative art objects from the 17th and 18th centuries before listening to Gabriella Kovacs' violin sounding in the collections on the day of Saint Cecilia, patron saint of musicians.

8 € / 6 €
Reservation at 04 90 86 03 79

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Tuesday 19 November - 3 p.m. - Thematic tour of the exhibition
Jean-Claude Imbert, face to face
Man in the landscape
[Senior visit, in partnership with the City of Avignon]
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The drawings, watercolors and oils by Jean-Claude Imbert (1919-1993) testify to the attention that the painter paid to the upheavals of the landscapes caused by urbanization, industrialization and major developments in the second half of the twentieth century. . What will become of the landscapes that are familiar to him around Aix and Marseille? What place for man and paradise in an industrial zone…?

Small workshop: drawing and collage game from landscapes.

Reservation on 04 90 80 80 07

Duration: 2h

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Tuesday 22, Wednesday 23, Thursday 24 October from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Workshops - child course: Portrait / Self-portrait
[School vacation]

From the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face, children are invited to analyze different portraits and self-portraits, then to imagine and make their own self-portraits and / or the portrait of loved ones, heroes ..., in a playful way ( drawing, painting, writing, photography, collage ...)
Each session is unique! The course (the 3 sessions) allows you to discover several aspects of the theme of the self-portrait and the portrait.

One session: € 12 - Internship: € 30 (from 8 years old, internship registrations are preferred)
Registration: 04 90 86 03 79 -
Duration: 3 sessions of 2 hours
Vouland Museum: 17, rue Victor Hugo.
Tuesday 22 October - 5.30 p.m. - Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the man and the work. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard curator and co-curator of the exhibition. Speech suitable for families.
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15

Thursday October 17 - 5 p.m. - Conference organized by the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum
by Josiane Ubaud, ethnobotanist and lexicographer in the Occitan domain
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Discover botany through the collections of the Vouland Museum
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Reservations recommended with Florence Usclat on 06 11 37 75 02
Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum: € 10 Non-member: € 15
Duration: 1h30
This conference will take place at the Vouland Museum: 17, rue Victor Hugo.

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Musée Calvet, Leydet Victor, Avant la messe, 1898
Monday October 14 - 5.30 p.m. - Conference "Victor Leydet (1861-1904), a painter from Vaucluse, witness of his time"
by Hélène Deronne, art historian specializing in 19th century Comtadine painting.
in partnership with the Palais du Roure
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Free participation

Reservation recommended on 04 90 86 03 79

Duration: 1h30

This conference will take place at the Vouland Museum: 17, rue Victor Hugo.

Tuesday October 8 - 5.30 p.m. - Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the man and the work. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard curator and co-curator of the exhibition. Speech suitable for families.
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15

European Heritage Days
"Arts and entertainment" at the Louis Vouland museum
September 21 & 22, 2019

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

From 2 pm to 6 pm: Free participation for the free visit of the Louis Vouland museum open to all.

This is the opportunity to come and see the permanent collections and the temporary exhibition on Jean-Claude Imbert (1919-1993). This painter from Provence would celebrate his 100th birthday this year. Fancy a break? Come and enjoy the museum garden where deckchairs await you!
17, rue Victor Hugo. T: 04 90 86 03 79

Saturday September 21 at 3 pm: Visit of the exhibition by the children and grandchildren of Jean-Claude Imbert

Jean-Claude Imbert's children and grandchildren are offering you a dialogue tour of the exhibition. Music, painting, cinema, art was everywhere in this family of 8 children. But also nature, especially in Haute-Provence, in the Asse valley… Among the 8 children, the only daughter, Marie, is a professional musician. Among the many grandchildren, Raphaël and Aurore are also professional musicians.

Free participation - On reservation

17, rue Victor Hugo. T: 04 90 86 03 79

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Saturday September 21 & Sunday September 22 at 4.30 p.m .: Workshop visit around the portrait-self-portrait
The exhibition is punctuated by self-portraits by Jean-Claude Imbert who published his autobiography Moi ?! in 1980. This workshop visit invites you to discover and analyze the portraits and self-portraits in the exhibition and to create a portrait or a self-portrait. Why not imagine a tribute portrait to Jean-Claude Imbert to honor the centenary of his birth?
This workshop visit is for young and old alike!

Free participation - On reservation
17, rue Victor Hugo. T: 04 90 86 03 79

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Saturday September 21 at 7 pm: Jazz concert "Music is my hope"
By Raphaël Imbert

Raphaël Imbert, grandson of Jean-Claude Imbert pays tribute to his grandfather to celebrate his 100th birthday. He joins his family and the Vouland museum to honor the memory of the unclassifiable artist that was his grandfather, through music and through the donation of works.
Jean-Claude Imbert had a passion for music. “I have had musical orgies at certain times. Until the age of 20, I listened to much more music than I watched painting. He painted to music, often went to concerts, classical and jazz, and to opera. Raphaël, humanist saxophonist, takes us with his sister Aurore, singer and actress, "to this place where music is essential and burning, and brings together protest, prayer, activism, love, the sacred in one breath. and the layman. Music that revives the flames of our amorous, political and universal hopes ”.
And he has some surprises in store for us!
Adult: € 12 Reduced *: € 5

/! \ On reservation
17, rue Victor Hugo. T: 04 90 86 03 79

* students, under 26, job seekers

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Sunday September 22 at 3 pm: Guided tour in the company of former students of JC Imbert

"Do you want the secret of talent for the learner: appetite." The secret of teaching for the teacher: appetite. " (Jean-Claude Imbert)

Former students of the charismatic teaching artist Jean-Claude Imbert (1919-1993), including Gérard Guerre, co-curator of the exhibition and president of the Vouland Foundation, invite you to a dialogue visit through the works and the many notebooks which retrace 50 years of life and nearly thirty years of teaching, at the Fine Arts School in Avignon and then in Aix-en-Provence until 1984. Jean-Claude Imbert worked among his students . He left a lot of freedom with the rules of the game. He encouraged his students to look through drawing, especially in ink and charcoal, and to experiment.

Free participation - On reservation

17, rue Victor Hugo. T: 04 90 86 03 79

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Tuesday September 17 - 5.30 p.m. - Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the man and the work. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard curator and co-curator of the exhibition. Speech suitable for families.
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15

Tuesday September 10, 2019 - 5 p.m. - Conference at the Vouland Museum organized by the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum
by René Moucadel, Provencal teacher and president of the Center Mas Felipe Delavouët
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Discover the Provencal writer Max-Philippe Delavouët (or Mas Felipe Delavouët in Provencal, 1920-1990)

Price / person: Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum: 5 euros - Non Members: 8 euros
Registration with Florence Usclat Tel. 06 11 37 75 02

Saturday September 7 - 4 p.m. - Visit of the collections & workshop "Search for the little beast"
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Observe the animals in the museum's collections and in the garden. Also discover the stuffed animals loaned by the Naturoptère, which line the course. Speech suitable for families.
Workshop: Creation of a butterfly fan
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 13
Reservation at 04 90 86 03 79
Duration: 2h
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August 28, 29 and 30 - 8:30 p.m.

Concerts and reading in the museum garden

Under the stars, music and lyrics

The expected summer meeting: “pure happiness! "
A musical program under the sign of celebration and travel, and readings ... by the bed!

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

• Wednesday August 28 - 8:30 p.m. - Concert

Festive day in Venice

Ensemble Ausonia: G. Tartini - Sonatas for violin and Concerto for violin • CPE Bach Concerto for harpsichord - ensemble of 7 musicians around Frederic Haas, harpsichord and Mira Glodeanu, violin.

Full price: 25 €; Friends of the Museum rate: 20 €; Price under 26: € 7

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

• Thursday August 29 - 8:30 p.m. - Reading


Au bord du lit, and other mischievous news from Maupassant by Marie-Christine Barrault and Jean-Claude Delalondre
Full price: 18 €; Friends of the Museum rate: € 14; Price under 26: € 7

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

• Friday August 30 - 8:30 p.m. - Concert

Invitation to travel (Paris-Vienne-Pekin-Rio)

Primrose ensemble: from Chopin to Villa-Lobos by an ensemble of 7 musicians around Pierre Henri Xuereb, viola, and Christophe Giovaninetti, violin.
Full price: 25 €; Friends of the Museum rate: 20 €; Price under 26 years old: € 7

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Cycle Under the stars
PACKAGE 3 evenings • Full price: 60 €; Friends of the Museum rate: 48 €

Reservation at 04 90 86 03 79
Duration: around 1h30

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

To download the program, click here !

Tuesday 27, Wednesday 28, Thursday 29, Friday 30 August - 4.30 p.m. - Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the man and the work. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard curator and co-curator of the exhibition. Speech suitable for families.
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 12
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15

Visit of the Jean-Claude Imbert exhibition, face to face
In July 2019 at 5.30 p.m.
Tuesday 2, Thursday 11, Tuesday 16, Thursday 18, Sunday 28 and Tuesday 30 July
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Meeting with the man and the work. Discovery of the exhibition with Odile Guichard curator and co-curator of the exhibition. Speech suitable for families.

Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6. € 2 for children under 12
Booking is recommended
Duration: 1h15
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Tuesday July 30 - 4 p.m. - Visit and workshop of the decorative arts collections
What wood are you made of?
Touch, handle, smell and feel to discover the mysteries of wood from wood samples put in relation with the exceptional 17th and 18th century furniture from the museum's collections.
Workshop: Create your paper marquetry from the pattern you have made.
Duration: 2h
Booking is recommended
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6, € 2 for children under 12
Tuesday July 16 - 4 p.m. - Visit of the collections and workshop
Look for the little beast
Observe the animals in the museum's collections and in the garden and also discover stuffed animals which mark out the course in relation to those represented on the decorative arts objects (in partnership with Naturoptère).
Workshop: Creation of a butterfly fan
Duration: 2h
Booking is recommended
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6, € 2 for children under 12

Tuesday July 23 - 4 p.m. - Visit of the collections and workshop
Imagine your secretary
Living, moving around, staying warm, playing, eating, writing… in the 18th century. Discover from the 17th and 18th century decorative arts collections how the furniture was used.
Workshop: Invent your piece of furniture (with secrets?) From the photos of the museum.
Duration: 2h
Booking is recommended
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6, € 2 for children under 12

Sunday July 14 and 21 - 7 a.m.
Secular hours - Show - unclassifiable aerial
By the duo Les Sélène
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
The aerial melee of the Sélène duo takes us into the poetic, minimalist and surrealist world of Erik Satie. A unique moment in the setting of the hidden garden of the Vouland museum, open to the sky.
Reservation: 06 07 15 78 58
Full price: € 15, subscriber price: € 10, reduced price: € 10
Duration: 55 min

July 10 to 28 - 9:30 p.m. (no on July 15, 22 and 23)
Secular hours - Show - unclassifiable aerial
By the duo Les Sélène
The aerial melee of the Sélène duo takes us into the poetic, minimalist and surrealist world of Erik Satie. A unique moment in the setting of the hidden garden of the Vouland museum, open to the sky.
Reservation: 06 07 15 78 58
Full price: € 15, subscriber price: € 10, reduced price: € 10
Duration: 55 min
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
For an overview, click here !
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Wednesday July 3 - 4 p.m. - Visit of the collections and workshop
At table !
Did you know ? Since 2010, French gastronomy has been included in the intangible heritage of UNESCO! The museum invites you to discover, with your family, the art of the table in the 18th century.
Workshop: Take inspiration from the museum's ceramics to decorate your own cardboard plates.
Duration: 2h
Booking is recommended
Full price: € 8, reduced price: € 6, € 2 for children under 12

June 26, 2019 - opening of the exhibition
Jean-Claude Imbert, face to face
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The Vouland Museum reveals the unique and abundant work of the artist Jean-Claude Imbert (1919-1993) to celebrate the centenary of his birth.

This work combines carnal and spiritual, visible and invisible, light and shadow, Provence and storm, generosity and austerity.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Museum open every day except Monday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Prices: € 6 / € 4 / Free for children under 12

Sunday 23 June - 3.30 p.m. - Family visit
A fabric of stories
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Let yourself be told fables and myths by the objects of our collections ...

Family visit (= for all), from the 17th and 18th century decorative arts collections, in particular the tapestries

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

On reservation

Usual museum prices

Visit of the exhibition
Yuan Chin-taa 袁 金塔 Art is a game
In June
Saturday 1 at 4.30 p.m., Tuesday 4 at 5.30 p.m., Saturday 8 at 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 June at 5 p.m.
by Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition
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See you at the Gardens - June 7, 8 and 9, 2019

Animals in the garden

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The little beasts

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

An eighteen-meter ant

With a hat on my head

It does not exist, it does not exist[…]

Robert Desnos, Chantefables and Chantefleurs, 1952



From April 6 to September 22, 2019

The Naturoptère (Sérignan-du-Comtat - 84) invests the museum to offer a new reading of the fauna represented in the collection of decorative arts.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The Vouland Museum garden is crossed by the Vaucluse Canal. After important works carried out in 2017, it is in full rebirth. The first phase of a project imagined for a museum garden in the 21st century, both a sensitive and sensorial extension of the collections, evocation of the history of the place, a former Dominican convent, and conducive to life and biodiversity.

Friday June 7

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Look for the little beast!  

Visit and small workshop - for primary (morning and afternoon)

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

An invitation to observe the funny animals present in the work of Yuan Chin-taa, a contemporary Taiwanese artist (ant, ladybug, butterfly, frog, fish, turtle, bird, rooster and hen, tiger, seahorse, pig ...), in the museum's collections and in the garden. Photographs and specimens of insects are linked to their representation on decorative art objects.

Over the course of the visit, we realize that we do not all have the same relationship with "little animals" and nature, and that little animals have a role in ecosystems.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Small workshop: naturalistic animal (what is the morphology of an ant, butterfly or ladybug?) Or imaginary animal.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

On reservation

group <25 students (package 75 €)

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 2 p.m.-7 p.m.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Look for the little beast!   from 6 years old - with family

Saturday and Sunday -3pm

Visit and small workshop

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

An invitation to observe the funny animals present in the work of Yuan Chin-taa, a contemporary Taiwanese artist (ant, ladybug, butterfly, frog, fish, turtle, bird, rooster and hen, tiger, seahorse, pig ...), in the museum's collections and in the garden. Photographs and specimens of insects are linked to their representation on decorative art objects.

Over the course of the visit, we realize that we do not all have the same relationship with "little animals" and nature, and that little animals have a role in ecosystems.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Small workshop: naturalistic animal (what is the morphology of an ant, butterfly or ladybug?) Or imaginary animal

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

On reservation

Usual museum price

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The dream of the butterfly - Family visit (all public)

Saturday and Sunday - 5 p.m.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The work of Yuan Chin-taa, a contemporary Taiwanese artist, exhibited at the Vouland museum until June 9, takes us into the heart of nature. We meet many little animals there, some of which have therapeutic virtues! We also find cricket drinkers and strange cicadas from China.

In the garden, will the cicadas be there on June 8 and 9?

The museum garden is designed to promote biodiversity and we will discover some plants that host pretty butterflies.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

On reservation

Usual museum prices

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The exhibition was produced in partnership with the Chinese Museum of Daily Life (Lodève - 34).

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Friday June 7 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday June 8 and 9 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


€ 6 (Museum, exhibition, garden); Reduced price € 4; Free - under 26
Schoolchildren: € 75 / group <25 students

Individual visits and workshops at no extra charge

Visit of the exhibition
Yuan Chin-taa 袁 金塔 Art is a game
In May 2019
Thursday 2 at 5.30 p.m., Wednesday 8 at 4.30 p.m., Tuesday 2 at 5.30 p.m., Saturday 6 at 4 p.m., Saturday 25 at 4.30 p.m., Tuesday 28 May at 5.30 p.m.
by Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition
Full price: € 8 - Reduced price: € 6
On reservation

European Night of Museums

Saturday May 18 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Imagine at the museum!

• 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. - A Persian at the museum - Theatrical reading

by the students of the college of Mourion (Villeneuve)

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

What if Usbek and Rica, the ambassadors imagined by Montesquieu in his "Persian Letters", got lost in the rooms of the Vouland museum? Quick to be astonished at the mores of the French, how will they guide visitors through these collections of exceptional furniture from the 17th and 18th centuries? This is what the 4th year students of the college of Mourion (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon) offer us, on texts written from works of the museum, and extracts from "Persian Letters". Sometimes intrigued visitors, sometimes letter writers installed in the living rooms, the Persian ambassadors cross the centuries for a night at the museum.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The students came to the museum three times to familiarize themselves with the collections and begin the writing workshop with author Sabine Tamisier.

Work with Sonia Garcia-Tahar, professor of literature.

In partnership with La Chartreuse.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

7.15 p.m. - Guided tour of the exhibition Yuan Chin-taa 袁 金塔, art is a game

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

9:30 p.m.   Of Things and Words - Theatrical Reading

by 2nd grade students from the Mistral high school (Avignon)


An envious collector, a rabid feminist, the famous Comtesse du Barry ... The second year students of the writing workshop of the Lycée Mistral did not lack imagination to invent and write a theatrical text full of surprises and fantasy inspired by the objects and history of the Vouland Museum. Tonight, they invite you to a theatrical and ambulatory reading of their play!


Work with the actor Jérôme Bru and their literature teacher, Sylvie Lotier.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Prices: free participation

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Thursday May 16 - 2:30 p.m. - Workshop with Virginie Cadart Travadel

Discovery workshop Calligraphy, ink painting

Calligraphy is the mother of painting.

Paper, ink stick, ink stone and brush are the calligrapher's four treasures. What textures, what scents, what possible?

The characters are born from the observation of nature, bearers of poetry. Who are they ?

In the workshop, 4 and 6 of you will be around the calligraphy table….

To discover, manipulate, trace, experiment, question…. with Virginie Cadart Travadel, calligrapher painter

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The workshop takes place at 10 place Pignotte ( Avignon intramural, near Les Halles) .

- about 2h30 - material provided -


Individual registrations - Discovery workshop Calligraphy, ink painting

with Virginie Cadart Travadel - 10 place Pignotte - 4 to 6 participants )

Full price: € 30 - Reduced price (under 26 and AMLV): € 25

(Ink Color Association)


Groups by appointment : Workshop of 4 to 6 participants 150 €

(Virginie Cadart Travadel - Color Ink Association:

phone: 06 07 83 75 38

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Visit of the exhibition
Yuan Chin-taa 袁 金塔 Art is a game
Tuesday April 16 at 5.30 p.m., Tuesday April 23 at 5.30 p.m., Saturday April 27 at 4 p.m.
by Odile Guichard, curator of the exhibition
Full price: € 8 - Reduced price: € 6
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Sunday May 5 - 3.30 p.m. - Family visit

The art of living in the 18th century

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Living, moving around, getting warm, playing, eating… in the 18th century.

Family visit (= for all) from the 17th and 18th century decorative arts collections

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

On reservation, usual rates

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Saturday April 13 - 2:30 p.m. - Workshop with Virginie Cadart Travadel

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Discovery workshop Calligraphy, ink painting

Calligraphy is the mother of painting.

Paper, ink stick, ink stone and brush are the calligrapher's four treasures. What textures, what scents, what possible?

The characters are born from the observation of nature, bearers of poetry. Who are they ?

In the workshop, 4 and 6 of you will be around the calligraphy table….

To discover, manipulate, trace, experiment, question…. with Virginie Cadart Travadel, calligrapher painter

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The workshop takes place at 10 place Pignotte ( Avignon intramural, near Les Halles) .

- about 2h30 - material provided -


Individual registrations - Discovery workshop Calligraphy, ink painting

with Virginie Cadart Travadel - 10 place Pignotte - 4 to 6 participants )

Full price: € 30 - Reduced price (under 26 and AMLV): € 25

(Ink Color Association)


Groups by appointment : Workshop of 4 to 6 participants 150 €

(Virginie Cadart Travadel - Color Ink Association:

phone: 06 07 83 75 38

Thursday April 11 - 2:30 p.m. - Senior visit

The spirit of the 18th century.

Three destinies of women from the Age of Enlightenment.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Madame du Barry, Madame Favart, Pierrette Candelot, known as “the Veuve Perrin”, present in the collections, invite us to enter the intimacy and the spirit of the 18th century, from Versailles to Marseille via the Parisian scenes.

An immersion in the atmosphere of 18th century interiors.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Senior visit in partnership with the City of Avignon

Information and reservations: 04 90 80 80 07 ( limited places)

The museum is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.

European Days of Crafts
Craftsmen of today and of the past at the Louis Vouland museum
April 2-7, 2019

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

• Folder exhibition on embossed leather, around a 17th century screen from the Vouland museum, designed by Jean Gallon, gainier.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

• Meeting with Jean Gallon, leather craftsman

Jean Gallon, sheathier explains his craft to the students using samples and a 17th century embossed leather screen. It is about raising awareness of trades and techniques that have become rare.


• View of contemporary cabinetmakers on 17th and 18th century furniture with Marc Angosto and Michel Pointelin, cabinetmakers. They offer us their technical expertise in relation to the exceptional furniture from the 17th and 18th century collection of the museum. They make visitors aware of the technical constraints and the properties of materials, and invite them to handle samples ...

• Family visit - Professions on the couch

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Let's go to meet these craftsmen of the past such as the ceramist Pierrette Candelot (Lyon 1709 - Marseille 1794), known as the Veuve Perrin, or the cabinetmaker Pierre Migeon IV (Paris 1696 - Paris 1758) whose creations make the splendor of our collection of decorative arts. Guided tour of the 17th and 18th century decorative arts collections.

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