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Enter the privacy of a collector's house, in a garden in the heart of Avignon...

Known as the "18th century house" in the heart of Avignon, this mansion belonged to Louis Vouland, a french food-processing industrialist who gathered a great collection of decorative art and wished for his house to be turned into a museum after his passing. Inside, the visitor is invited to get a glimpse of 17th and 18th century French taste throughout the display of furniture stamped Migeon, Ellaume or Tuart, its rare set of earthenware and porcelain, its tapestries, its watchmaking pieces, along with its various fine goldsmith works and chandeliers.

Alongside the Decorative Arts works, the Louis Vouland Museum keeps a very important collection of artworks from Provence and Languedoc, focusing on “the new school of Avignon”. Paintings and drawings are regularly taken out of our Reserves to be exhibited along with works from other collections or contemporary artworks thus creating a dialogue between the artworks themselves but also with the visitor.


The mansion opens to the south on the garden which has gone through various twists and turns but is now fully recovered and a well appreciated haven of tranquility and peace in the agitated city of Avignon.


An intimate museum favors encounters!


Modern or contemporary works are part of the permanent collections to surprise and amaze our visitors. Chamber music concerts resonate with the seasons, indoors or in the garden when the weather gets warmer. Visits, workshops, conferences and readings regularly animate the museum.

The museum team does its best to maintain and tighten its links with its partners and patrons; the Friends of the Louis Vouland Museum (Les Amis du Musée Louis Vouland) play an active role in the life of the museum, and its volunteers provide constant support.

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à partir du 11 Février 2025

circuit court  & détours

11 Février -  10 Juin 2025

Une exposition sous le signe du "local", du mouvement et de la curiosité.

Venez voir !

Paysages, scènes de la vie quotidienne, portraits et natures mortes, peintres des 19e et 20e siècles liés à Avignon ou sa région, œuvres issues de collections particulières des environs d'Avignon et du musée Vouland. 

Pierre Grivolas / Paul Vayson /Marius Breuil / Paul Saïn / Charles Vionnet / Joseph Meissonnier / Claude Firmin / Clément Brun / René Seyssaud / Eugène Martel / Alfred Lesbros /Auguste Roure / Louis Montagné / Auguste Chabaud /François Omer /Marcelle Legrand / Paul Surtel / Jean-Claude Imbert /Jean-Marie Fage / Gérard Delpuech

Tous les jours sauf les lundis de 14h à 18h

Le musée est Accueil Vélo. Le jardin est refuge LPO.

Tarifs (musée, exposition, jardin) :

Adulte : 8 € | Réduit*: 5 €  | Jeunes : Pass culture | Enfant (- 12 ans) : Gratuit

Groupes à partir de 6 personnes, sur RDV, y compris en dehors des heures d’ouverture

17, rue Victor Hugo AVIGNON I  04 90 86 03 79

Oriol Grivolas_Gras__501-14.jpg

Jean-Pierre Gras sculpteur & peintre

 18 Février - 10 juin 2025 

Sculpteur et peintre avignonnais, Jean-Pierre Gras est le fils du félibre Félix Gras. Élève de Pierre Grivolas proche de nombreux artistes de la « nouvelle école d’Avignon », il est membre du Groupe des Treize.


Ouvert de 14h à 18h tous les jours (sauf le lundi)

Le musée est Accueil Vélo, le jardin refuge LPO.

Tarifs (musée, expositions, jardin) :

Adulte : 8 € | Réduit*: 5 € | Jeunes : Pass culture | Enfant (- 12 ans) : Gratuit

Groupes sur RDV y compris en dehors des heures d’ouverture

Visites accompagnées pour public individuel (+ 2 €) : voir programme



The Vouland museum is a partner of the Pass Culture. Are you 18 this year? The Culture Pass offers you €300 to spend on show tickets, books andmuseum visits, in all partner establishments !

Teachers, this system is open to your classes from 4th grade.

The clock has stopped...Murder Party All year 

With your children, between teenagers, with friends, come and shiver while making a murder party...

Come shiver at the museum! It's about becoming an investigator and solving the enigma of a crime. To carry out the investigation, you have to explore the museum and carefully observe objects from its collection.

"Murder party" booklet available at reception, included in the museum entrance fee.​

Not recommended for children under 13.

Short-circuits All year

Free, thematic, playful or poetic tour of the decorative arts collection of the Vouland museum (accompaniment booklet for a first visit experience).

Short circuits for young and old.

Booklets available at reception, included in the museum entrance fee.​

Short-circuits All year

Free, thematic, playful or poetic tour of the decorative arts collection of the Vouland museum (accompaniment booklet for a first visit experience).

Short circuits for young and old.

Booklets available at reception, included in the museum entrance fee.​

Digital memory


© 2021 Fondation Louis Vouland © Photographs: Fabrice Lepeltier / Vouland museum photo library unless otherwise stated

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